Love story between two demi gods ( Magnus X Xylo) Olympus Pt: 1

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We will meet again

Requested by SeanReis

No One Pov:

After the events that went down inpu had no choice but to take his Sibling away from the camp they learn to love. Now the only problem they have with this is Magnus doesn't want to go because she doesn't want to leave xylo behind.

Xylo can't come with them because he has his own problems to take care of with the camp which made Magnus really upset.

It got to the point where inpu had to ask xylo to help him with his Sibling which xylo hesitantly agree knowing that this is the best option for them to get away from all the horror stuff that had happen to them

Xylo Pov:

I was by the Pyramid where the Egyptian underworld portal was going to be open at. Inpu was already inside getting things set up for them.

That is when my Partner Magnus came up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips

Magnus- So xylo what do you need to talk about

Xylo- *sigh* come with me after all this might hurt both of us at the same time

When we enter the pyramid we saw all the stuff was gone which made Magnus worry and then they knew what I was hinting at. When we finally got to where inpu was at Magnus just hold on to me not wanting to leave my side.

Inpu- Magnus

Magnus- no I don't want to leave my boyfriend behind

Xylo- Magnus look at me I know you don't want to leave my side but think of the pain you went threw up here inpu and I think this is the best for both of us that this happens

Magnus- But...

Xylo- Magnus look at me ok we will meet again I promise you but pls do this for inpu and for you we just want the best for you

Magnus- Promise we will see each other again?

Xylo- Promise

With that Magnus gave me a kiss before running to there brother and giving them a hug before crying. Inpu look at me and gave me a thank you before finally leave making me finally Collapse on the floor crying.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now