Love story between Werewolves ( Bryan x Mario) Supernatural Pt: 2

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Mario Your Back

Marry Christmas Everyone

Bryan Pov:

Its been a few days since I was able to go outside. The reason why I'm not aloud to go out is because of mario wolf. He would just pick me up and drag me back to the cave making it hard for me to find a way to turn him back.

This day was like no other I was put on a bed made up with blankets, pillows, and just stuff items in general. I started to wine a little bit as I turn back to mu human form. I just wanted to find pat maybe he knows how to fix mario but if I can't get to pat then how can I help mario.

While thinking of ways to get out I saw an old ghost friend that I thought I would never see again. It was helios.

Bryan- Helios!? your here you need to help me

Helios- Nice to see you too but what do you need help with after all the spirits won't let me stay here all day.

Bryan- Can you find pat pls and bring him here. I know you know where he is at because even through I haven't seen him in a while you been keeping an eye on him.

Helios- I Would love to get pat but he sadly is no longer with us. He had to leave or else the wild hunt would kill him.

Bryan- Oh I see

Helios- But hw did leave one of his old spell books behind maybe that Would help you?

Bryan- Yes it will pls bring it to me

With that helios is gone and as soon as he left Mario came back and slowly form into his werewolf form

Bryan- Hey mario umm what's going on hehehe

But before I could do anything Mario pull me into a hug making my head rest on his chest feeling his soft mix color fur. I felt warm and safe and started to fall asleep onto the wolf chest without me even realizing it.

When the next day role around helios was able to give me the book that he was talking about when mario left to find food for us. I started to read the book until I notice a potion that caught my eye. It was a go wild potion and if I remember a witch gave mario something before he went crazy.

Maybe that witch gave him a go wild potion then maybe there is a cure for it. After doing some reading I found out that the cure is called a blue moon flower but there so rare to fine.

So I ask helios one last favor before he had to go and he agree.

So it was a waiting game to see if he could find the flower while I try to calm down a wild wolf.

Its been days since then. Mario haven't left my side at all and even started to act more overprotective of me.

He would cuddle me, lick/kiss me, hunt for me, won't even let me leave the cave without leaving with him.

I would be Flattered if it wasn't getting Annoying. But that when Helios was able to come back with the flower I needed and I started to get to work with the potion.

After a while of working I was able to make the potion I needed but of course I needed to wait for him to return before I can give him the potion

*Next Day*

I was sleeping on Mario again when I heard a big bang. My first thought was hunters due to how many there were. I turn into my wolf form and started low growling which got Mario up too. That when another gun shot was heard.

Mario grab me and pull me close to him before turning into its werewolf form. I would say I was scared but really I was worry. I have run into us hunters before but I was always in wolf form and they just leave me alone but if they see Mario as a werewolf I don't know what they would do.

That when a hunter came in the cave. He look at me before turning to see a huge werewolf

Hunter 1: Guys I found one

Hunter 2- You did well kill it

Hunter 1: There also seem to be a wolf in here to maybe we can use the wolf as a new dog for hunting

Hunter 3: Ooh a new pet I see well kill the werewolf and get the wolf.

When I heard that I froze and started Whimpering which made Mario angry. He started to attack the hungers killing 2 our of the three when the third hunter grab me my the throat and threaten to kill me

Hunter 3: Hey buggy we can talk about this

Mario- *Growls*

Hunter 3: I know this wolf have to be special to you or else it would have run away by now. I will hand you this wolf and you let me go

I couldn't help but whimper due to the pain I was feeling on my neck but that's when the hunter notice the potion and grab it.

He threw it at Mario before grabbing me and running

I was scratching, Bitting, growling, and whimpering before I turn into my human form and kick the guy off me

Bryan- Get away from me

Hunter 3: I knew it your that huge werewolf mate. Just imagine when I bring you home I will do so much things to you that you won't even know what's going on

I was slowly walking back into a walk as the hunter look at me in a creepy way. Due to a mistake on the potion I was making for mario I not able to turn into my werewolf form or else bad things can happen. The effect of this was going to wear off in about a few days and I thought that nothing bad would happen in those few days but of course faith always have something bad they want to throw at me.

So there wasn't really anything I can do he got me corner. I had tears in my eyes and as my final breath before I was knock out completely I howl.

Mario Pov:

It feel like I just woke up from a nap. I was on my werewolf form as shatter glass was on the floor. I could smell blood and a Familiar sent. When I turn I see two dead hunters behind me.

What happen? Where am I? Where is the pack? Why are there dead-

Before I could even think anymore I heard a cry for help. It sounded like bryan. My Instincts were kicking in while without me knowing I was turning threw the forest. As spotted a hunter carrying Bryan bloody body away from the area.

My blood started to boil as I let out a huge howl before attacking and killing the man. I turn to Bryan who seem to be just bleeding from the heard as something hard hit it.

I pick up Bryan and brought him into a different cave. I think this was Bryan old cave because it had his sent all over it. I turn into my human form and lay him down in his bed. I look around for some medical supplies.

*Time Skip*

Bryan was now cover in Bandages as I hope into bed with him pulling him close to my chest and almost falling asleep when I heard groaning.

I turn to see Bryan looking right at me with tears in his eyes.

Bryan- Mario is that you?

Mario- it is Bryan it really is

Bryan- The potion it work your back to normal and not as a wild beast

Mario- And you have my thanks for that

I couldn't help but get close to Bryan for head and give him a soft kiss which made both my and Bryan tail wag. We were both so happy to see each other again

Bryan- Their is so much you miss mario. I need to tell you everything that you have miss

Mario- Not now my love you need rest. I will be here when you wake up I promise

With that Bryan cuddle close to my chest before falling back to sleep. I slowly rap my arms around Bryan bandage body before resting my head on top of his and falling into a deep sleep.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now