Love story between demi gods (Xylo x Book Magnus) Olympus

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My King

Requested by Boby73

No One Pov:

After the great battle with the book Magnus found a way to stop there brother and cage him with xylo right next to him.

Magnus didn't want to say it but even though this book have fully token control over them. They wanted xylo to be there king as they know how powerful xylo can get and if given the chance they could be a power couple.

The only problem was that xylo didn't want that what so ever and it gave Magnus a more evil look. They know how to get xylo on their side but the only problem is they need to get xylo away from everyone and try to get close to him without a fight breaking out.

Xylo Pov:

As Inpu and I were in are cages thinking about a plan to get out we heard foot steps coming are way. We look at each other before Magnus appear from the door

Inpu- Book

B. Magnus- Oh hi brother how are you I bet you been doing good but sadly I am not here for you but for my king

Xylo- KING!? What do you mean?

B. Magnus- Well after taking this world out I need a powerful death king by my side and thinking about it your the perfect person to do it

Xylo- No way I am not joining

B. Magnus- Oh don't worry soon enough you won't have a choice

Before I could say anything else they came and took inpu away leaving me alone before coming back a couple of minutes later with a horrible beaten half dead inpu in there arms. Then they turn to me and gave me a grin.

They drop inpu and walk to me before grabbing me out of my sail and dragging me away from inpu. I tries to fight back but sadly I was weaken.

B. Magnus- Don't worry xylo my book brother will be coming soon and this weak part of my brother will die here

Xylo- What!?

B. Magnus- Don't ask questions after all it won't matter anymore after I'm done with you

With that they threw me into a cage with Symbols all over the floor with were death symbols.

I turn to Magnus one last time before I felt the darkness taking control and soon enough I was out of KY cage with a smiling Magnus right next to me

B. Magnus- Feeling better

D. Xylo- Yes I am thank you for letting my demon side come out because now we can rule together like you always wanted

B. Magnus- Good because I have plans and you are apart of them

And with that Magnus pull me into a kiss as the fun will soon begins.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now