Love Story between Fairytales (Collin X Jesse) Fable legacies

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I'm Here For You

After the fight with Raven Jesse ran off into the woods.

Collin Mind-  What just happen!? Doesn't matter need to check if raven is ok before I go after Jesse

After making sure raven is breathing and alive help covering the bleeding he soon flew after Jesse to tried to find him and calm him down.

Collin Mind-  Where could of you gone?

*Few Hours Later*

It was getting really late in the woods. Collin can barely see anything in the woods.

Collin Mind-  I need to head back its getting late and its starting to rain.

While Collin was walking back because his pixie dust doesn't really like working properly in the rain he heard heavily breathing and sounds like feet running around and sticking breaking all over

Collin-  Jesse is that you?

While looking around that is where he saw it. A huge dark brown wolf with the bright pink eyes looking at him. When Collin step back he fell onto the floor seeing a better look at the creature. It was huge, bigger than any wolf he have ever seen.

Collin-  St-stay back

With a low growl he jump at Collin. Collin wasn't lucky enough to have his weapons on him because he left them back at the cabin. The wolf pounds onto Collin pining him to the floor. While he was on the floor it started raining really bad.

Collin-  Oh umm hey there buddy

Collin Mind-  What am I going to do? I don't have my weapons on me because I put them away so I can go to bed.

Before the wolf attack him it sniff first before grabbing collin hoodie by his teeth. While the huge wolf was carrying Collin into the crystal cave Collin was thinking to himself before he gotten the idea that this might be Jesse

When they finally got into the cave Jesse drop Collin carefully onto the ground before backing up a little and covering the only entrance and exit to the cave.

Collin-  Jesse is that you?

Jesse- *Nods*

Collin-  Oh thank goodness

That is when Collin got up and was about to walk out when Jesse step into his way and growled making Collin back up onto the floor again

Collin-  Ow well that hurt

Jesse-  *Whimpers*

Collin-  Oh no its ok its ok

Jesse soon sniff Collin again and lick him making Collin cover in his saliva before rapping around Collin so he won't be able to get out

Collin- Eww Grows

That is when Collin heard a thunderbolt crash right next to the cave making a huge tree block the entrance

Collin Mind- Oh no were trap

Jesse- *Whimpers*

Collin- No no no its ok its ok im here jesse

That is when another lighting bolt struck down but this time is was much louder and they can even see the flash of the light from the block pathway.

Collin- Wow its pouring really hard

Jesse- *Whimpers*

That is when collin realize something. Animals can tell if something bad happens to the earth not only that they can tell if something wrong.

Collin Mind- Wolves also have high sensitivity with there ears and noise because they can hear and smell almost everything.

When collin turn to jesse he was covering his ears with his paws. Collin couldn't help but feel bad so he walk over to jesse who was trying to keep away from collin

Collin- Jesse

Jesse- .......

Collin-I know you save and I know your in huge amount of pain

That is when collin hug jesse making jesse tail wag a little.

Collin started to talk to jesse to try to calm him down which work and when collin fell asleep jesse rap himself around collin to keep him warm from the cold night.

When morning hit collin woke up blushing hard because he saw jesse in human form with ears and tail on him.

Jesse arms were rap around collin while jesse tail was rap around collin leg and not only that it seems jesse rip his shirt off only wearing his rode or was it a jacket?

Collin mind- Ok calm down maybe he will remember what happen?

That is when Jesse woke up and he started blushing as well.

Jesse- Oh umm I am so sorry collin

Collin- Oh no its ok. Do you remember anything?

Jesse- Only little bits but ya

Collin- So you remember...

Jesse- Oh ya don't remind me

That is when the two heard someone moving the tree away. When they look it was austin.

Austin- Oh hi guys how was your day?

Collin- Umm good we were going to leave right jesse?

Jessse- right

After they get back to there dorms the two couldn't stop thinking about that night and soon the two wonder if they should forget that night or wish that it should last longer.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now