Love story between Alphas (Rian X Devin) Supernatural

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Never Taken

Requested by Nightmareprime7373

No one pov:

When Rian was confronted by the wild hunt they did something much more worse then sending him to the void oh no. They froze him in time forcing him to watch everyone he ever care and love for die right in front of him.

He did feel sorry for them yes he did but his heart had started to feel cold for a while now but the thing that made his heart really cool to the point it was frozen was when that day came.

Devin came to visit rian frozen cage when the portal of the under his feet open up. He was able to use his wings to avoid the portal but when Devin look into rian eyes one final time he was taken straight to the underworld where rian will never see Devin again.

*Years Past*

Rian Pov:

Its been years since everything was taken form me. Its been years since the werewolves almost becoming legends now. The vampires have taken control of this world now and I been trying to break free from this prison until I was able to break free with a little bit of help by a human who I turn into a werewolf.

She wasn't apart of my pack I just did it for her because she really wanted to become a werewolf and prove to the people that there not going Instinct any longer which I did feel bad a little bit but who cares if she ends up being killed because I only have one goal and that is getting to the underworld.

I know Devin is still alive because he had too I mean he was taken away from this world that we all fell together I bet he misses the old Days too. I mean who could not but then again Bri and Austin are fully gone now since they were killed and forgotten. The only reason I remember is because I was there when it happen.

As I thought of a good reason to try to find him I felt being pull down into the underworld. I tried to grab onto something as I don't know what is going on until I was in the underworld I also felt someone knock me out before I even given the chance to speak.

When I cam to I was on a bed with someone right next to me but due to still being out of it I just lay my head back down. I wanted to scream and called my army to come get me but nothing was working then after a while complete darkness.

When I woke up again I notice I was still in a bed as I was able to get off. That is when someone came threw the door. Someone I thought die a long time ago.

Rian- Devin? Is that you?

Devin- Rian I though the hunt killed you no one remember you and after a while I was slowly losing memory of what happen. I was then after a few weeks I remember you but I didn't know where to find you until a little bird told me where you were

Rian- You were such a idiot I waited to long and I wanted to be by your side for so long

Devin- and now we are where no one will take us away from each other anymore

With that we kiss each other. It was something that we needed like after all these years I forgot how good it felt just by being by his side and now I will make sure I won't leave again.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now