Love Story between demi gods (Kaiba X Ashara) Olympus

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True Love

Request by 80snowaizawa04

No one pov:

It was a normal day for Kiba. He was in his room sleeping away from everyone. After he was almost killed due to falling in love with the wrong demi god he really haven't left his room.

That was until a certain boy name Ashara appear and decided it time for Kiba to see true beauty.

Kiba Pov:

I was in my room crying when I heard a knock. I thought it was one of my services so I told them to leave me alone but that is when I saw my door broke down

Kiba- Ashara!?

Ashara- Come on Kiba you been in your room for weeks its time for you to get up and do something

Kiba- Oh ya and what will that be?

Ashara- Why don't you follow me and see?

Confuse I follow him wondering what he had plan.

When we got there it was beautiful. It was a picnic outside in the woods with the night sky shining so bright down on us.

Kiba- What is this?

Ashara- You been down as a lately so I made you this

Kiba- It's beautiful

That is when I felt a kiss on my check which made me blush red.

Ashara- Come on now before the food gets cold

Kiba- Right

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now