Love story between demi gods (Tobias X Vinny) DnD

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My inner Beast

Tales of Olympics

Requested by JessieB3214

After the fight on getting Harry back Tobias couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. He didn't know him what happen back there and he was scared the he would turn into the monster again. While leaving the place they were force to go back to Pan to talk about the mission but while talking about the mission Tobias felt very uncomfortable when Pan said they would always make more WereBeast and there will always be a source for them.

Tobias Mind- I wonder what would happen if he finds out that I am the last WereBeast alive. It best I don't tell him

When they got out of the cave and went to a hotel for a day they couldn't help like they were a failure. While trying to think of a plan Tobias just up and left the group with his own thoughts on his mind.

After a while through Vinny starred to worry so he went after Tobias.

(I should explain there are two beds in each hotel room. Vinny & Tobias are sharing one, Harry & Issac are sharing another and Belle have her own room)

While going into his hotel room he saw Tobias in the corner of the room looking like he is about to cry.

Vinny- Hey Tobias you ok? You seem off a little my dude

Tobias- I'm fine ok just tired

Vinny- Look dude you may have the others fool but not me man because you know why?

Tobias- Why?

Vinny- Because I love you man and always will. Look I know you are going threw things right now but we can get threw this together.

Tobias- Thanks Vinny

Vinny- Anytime now then you will feel better if you have someone to talk to someone about it and you see man I am your guy so what's on your mind?

Tobias- You were there when I transform right?

Vinny- Ya dude it was pretty cool and scary at the same time. I have to knock you out of that form remember?

Tobias- Oh ya I do remember

Vinny- but anyways you losing control is that what's on your mind?

*Vinny sits down right next to Tobias*

Tobias- There's that and the other thing is what pan said. Do you remember what he said about the WereCreatures?

Vinny- I do what about it?

Tobias- What would happen if he finds out that I am the last WereBeast alive. What would he do to me?

Vinny- Ya I gust that scary man but hey no matter what happens I will always have your back.

That is when Vinny put his hand on Tobias back and started trying to comfort him a little. While trying to do so it started to get late.

Vinny- Hey Tobias its getting late why don't we both head to bed ok?

Tobias- Ok I think that might be the best choice

When they both got into bed and started to go to sleep Tobias started to have a bad dream and then fur started to grow on him. Vinny woke up and saw this so he went to Tobias bed and started to play some music on his phone. After a while Tobias started to calm down in his sleep and even the fur that was growing on him was gone.

When Vinny was about to leave through Tobias was able to garb Vinny and pull him onto his bed holding him in a bear hug. Vinny tried his best to get loose but nothing work.

Vinny Mind- Well this isn't as bad as some people may think after all he is cuddly and warm. Maybe he won't mind it I were to

Soon Vinny started to cuddle up to Tobias chest before slowly falling to sleep but before he did he look at Tobias sleepy face one more time before saying.

Vinny- Goodnight my sleepy beauty sweet dreams.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now