Love story between demi gods (Mario x Jyles) Olympus

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More than just training

Request by Zz037zZ

No One Pov:

After Mario and Jyles training, Jyles would always try to just hang out with Mario more and more and just get to know him but when he heard he was dating Kayla it made him upset which he doesn't understand

Jyles Mind- Why do I feel sad whenever I see Kayla and Mario together?

He didn't understand until it happen. Mario mess up big time which made Kayla break up with him.

Mario was so angry that he only been training with jyles before walking back home and crying himself to sleep.

That is when it happen. Mario lost control of his powers. Jyles was training Mario before he just kinda snap and turn into this dark part of mario.

Jyles Pov:

I was trying to calm down Mario when he became this different version of himself. He did look nice sure but also he knew this wasn't his mario.

Jyles- Mario pls you need to calm down

D. Mario- This is calm but I don't think you understand we hate Liars

Jyles- Mario pls don't do this

That is when Dark side Mario started zapping at me which hurt a lot. I started feeling really hurt to the point that that I feel like myself dying.

I look at Mario as he grab my neck as I felt myself passing out

Jyles- No matter what happens to you *cough* I will always love you

And with that everything went to black as Mario started taking control again

Mario Pov:

As jyles said that I felt my control coming back but it was already to late. He was gone. I felt tears coming down my face as I hurt properly one of the few people that were trying to help me.

I couldn't accept this so I use my lighting to bring him back to life before taking him back to my cabin.

I lay him down on my bed before checking every second that he was going to be ok. I started feeling myself fall asleep but I couldn't do that after all I need to know jyles will be ok.

But things doesn't always have a happy ending (What I wanted to Ended on)

No One Pov:

As some time pass jyles woke up to see a sleeping Mario right next to him. He saw Mario was cold so he pull Mario in bed with him before he slowly started falling asleep holding what he know as one of the most important people in his whole life.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now