Love story between An Scp & Doctor (Bryan X Mario) SCP

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Time Pass While Being Free

Requested by wolfieship4

Warining This Chapter Talks a lot about different types of abuse you have been warned

No One Pov:

After the break out mario, kayla, and xylo went back where mario lives and choose to stay there while bryan works at the foundation.

Bryan would always give the group heard ups when something big happens while bryan teaches and learn more about the foundation while also learning how to fight and shoot a gun right.

Bryan would also visit on his vacation days as he would always say that some of his friends live up which is true.

Over time though bryan and Mario started to have feeling for each other and even started dating each other.

Mario Pov:

Its been a year since bryan last visit.

Bryan and I have started dating each other as well as have been updating us on what's going on at the foundation. No one knows that there scps living here and I am so glad for that.

He also been training and learning more about the foundation trying to make himself smarter so no one would think twice about him being a level 5 scientists.

He said that he would visit soon and that we would go on another date which I am so glad to go with him.

*Two More Years Past*

Its been two more years and bryan haven't visit once but have kept into contact with us. We also learn that people have been keeping an eye on him and have been listening to us talking and reading are letters.

He also told us that he will visit us soon and that there nothing to worry about. He also is scared that he might be found out but xylo told me that they might be keeping at eye on him because of the events that happen a few years ago which I really hope is the case.

*Few days later*

Bryan is coming to visit us. I can't wait to see him and man and I over joy.

*When He got Here*

When bryan came to us he started crying which broke my heart and made me angry but after bryan calm down I took him home where my little sibling wanted to play with him.

Surprising he is really good with kids and really good. Thought he would be bad at them but bryan always tell me that he always want to adopt a kid when things calm down for him which I do agree.

After we came into the room where xylo and kayla was at bryan explain the whole story.

You see a new old doctor appear name doctor light. He came up to bryan asking for us but bryan lie saying that we were gone/dead which doctor light took.

That is when the mistreatment started. People have started to hurt bryan because they found out he was gay and also have a boyfriend which he was planing to have kids with.

When the higher ups heard about this they shut out everyone before telling bryan he need to leave the foundation for a few year vacation so they can fix the disrespect that going around but bryan was still force to work there for a few years as bryan said he needs money and still wanted to do his job which the higher ups respect so for three years bryan went threw mental and physical abuse even go so far to sexual abuse which made me piss.

When the new heard about this Mr. light did tell off the higher ups about the abuse and force bryan to take this vacation for a few years until he gets a call from the foundation about needing him back.

He couldn't go home because his address was found out and now guys from the foundation would try and use bryan for his body which made me sick to my stomach.

It almost got to the point that bryan was going to be rape and killed. Bryan even had to go threw therapy because of them which made me want to find out where they live and kill all of them but bryan shut that thought down when he told me this.

Bryan- The only reason why I kept on fighting is because of you guys and because of my wonderful boyfriend. If you guys weren't in my life I don't think I would make it this far.

Mario- Well you don't have to worry about those guys anymore

Kayla- Ya and if they come looking for you I will just bite them

Mario- And kill them

Xylo- Maybe we shouldn't do any of that but mario you should spend some time with your boyfriend

Bryan- Ya I would love that

Mario- Oh ok umm do you want to heard up my room for cuddles?

Bryan- yes pls

With that I ended up cuddling bryan threw the whole night which trying to think of ways to make sure he felt safe and from me finding our where there horrible people live because if I do find out they would be more this sorry for what they did to my boyfriend.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now