Running Away From Girls Who Knew?

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The Girls in camp want xylo for themselves but he isn't having it.

Bryan X Inpu

Origin Of Olympus

Requested by johnnyzink05

Xylo Pov:

I was in my office minding my own business when Cal came into my room with a panic look.

Xylo- Cal you ok? You seem Panic

Cal- Someone thought it would be funny to cast a spell on all the girls to fell in love with you. Did you do something to someone or?

Xylo- Wait WHAT!? Cal I haven't left my office for three days so are you playing with me?

Cal- Sadly I am not

With that I heard two girls outside my office laughing and fighting. It Sounded like Mania and Brinley were fighting over me!?

Xylo- Do you know how long this will last?

Cal- About 24 hours I can try to distract them while you shadow walk away

Xylo- Ok Thank you

With that Cal went outside and talk to them and all I heard was screaming,yelling, telling cal they know im in there, and was just trying to get to me but I shadow walk out of there into the Cafeteria.

Even though I though I was safe there I wasn't as I saw a Kayla and Mario there.

Mario saw me and tried to get Kayla into another room but she spotted me and started heading to me. I started backing up slowly until Mario did something that shock me.

Mario- Kayla pls come here babe

Kayla- Xylo where do you think your going

Xylo- Mario help I don't know what's happening but I don't like it

Mario- ok hold on a second

With that Mario knock out Kayla and pick her up gently

Mario- Head to inpu and Bryan place. None of the girls can get you there

With that I summon shadow and flew there on horse back. When I got there I saw inpu and Bryan making out until they turn to me with red faces

Xylo- Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to Interrupt but someone thought it would be funny to cast a spell on all the girls in camp to come after me

Bryan- Oh ya I heard about you coming by for the day because of that

Inpu- Wait What!?

Bryan- Don't worry about it inpu xylo will just be staying here for a day until the spell wear off and everything can go back to normal

Inpu- Ok if you say so.

And with that the spell did wear off the next day and all of the girls had to apologize to them but to xylo he didn't want to talk to another girl for a least a week after that.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now