Love story between demi gods (Brandeen X Cal) Olympus Pt: 1

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The Night Sky

Requested by Ender_Syph

No One Pov:

Its been a long day for both Brandeen and cal. Cal had to deal with ricarro the hold day while Brandeen had to deal with the demonic souls trying to kill him.

Cal just needed some alone time so he choose to just take a walk in the woods while Brandeen just took the walk to clear his mind as other things have been starting to bug him.

Brandeen- why does that idiot have to get under my skin sometimes. I wonder why I keep him around

That is when brandeen heard something or should I say someone in the woods with him. Not wanting to get caught he hid himself in the brushes where he saw someone that he have heard to be name cal from the camp where lychee is at.

Cal Pov:

Its been a long day for me as I took a walk in the woods as I know no one in camp will find me. I just needed some time to myself.

As I was led to a clearing I started to relax a little as I lay my head down on a tree.

Cal- Hopefully this day doesn't get any worse

That is when he heard someone hiding near by as he hear moving leaves. Not wanting to deal with an animal or something he was just going to move spots.

Cal Mind- I can't believe an animal is just going to take my spot away like that but after a while of looking for a new spot he felt like someone was following him.

Cal- Recarro if that you come out this isn't a funny joke.

When he didn't hear anything he started to get creep out a little bit

Cal- Recarro? Hello I know someone there come out

Brandeen- .........

Cal- Do I have to come over there?

Brandeen Mind- Hopefully he would think that is his imagination

After a while though I knew that person wasn't going to answer me so I decided to just see for myself but when I got closer I notice it wasn't anyone I knew but a demon. I try my best to not scream and act like I saw nothing but I am sure he knew I saw him and he grab me and push in into a tree. After a while though I notice this isn't just any demon but brandeen. The person xylo told me about.

Cal- Umm hi?

Brandeen- Hello there I'm sorry for following it just that I never seen you around these parts and you were just around my home so Thought you were going to break in

Cal- What!? No no no no you got it all wrong I just had to deal with someone name recarro for a day and just wanted some time for myself I didn't know I was going to end up so close to your house

Brandeen- Well it doesn't matter after all I know you wouldn't say anything to anyone at camp right cutie?

Cal- No I won't I promise and did you just call me cute?

Brandeen- I did. After all its not normal for me to see someone like you around these part but I really need to get going and I think you need to do the same

Cal- Ya your right I should be heading back

Brandeen- Until next time cal

With that he left. I was in shock because I never said my name to him and yet he knew.

Cal- I need to head back and lay down for a little bit.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now