Love story between heros (Shino X Artemis) My Hero

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Before we start can I talk about what I saw before I post this. Did Bryan kiss Shino!? By look at the Thumbnail I really hope that the case and it was not just a dream pls anyways enjoy the One Shot

It been a long day, thanks to Artmis work he was able to help everyone from both classes to get there hero design all finished up in time and made them exactly what they wanted them to look like and when they wanted to add something to there hero suits or want to change them up they always look up to Artmis for help.

Even after everything that he have done for everyone artemis couldn't help but think of Shino. When he first made shino suit he saw the amazement within his eyes. It made artemis feel great inside like his heart beating really fast and that is when he release that he might have a crush on the boy.

*Few Weeks later*

Artmis and everyone else in the class was practicing and sparing with each other. While artemis was trying to forces on making more than a few shadows someone quirk hit him making him fall on the ground.

Shino- ARTEMIS!?

That is when everyone stop around him and saw the boy they saw he was burn pretty madly and not only that but he was in a small bit. It seems like someone with a Meteor like quirk hit artemis on Purpose because if artemis wasn't fast enough with his shadows it seems he wouldn't have made it.

Shino- artemis pls get up

Blake- Someone get a teacher fast

Jack- Its ok artemis your going to be just fine hold on

*Few days later*

After the school nurse check on artemis it seems like who ever hit him wanted to kill him but failed she was able to heal artemis burns and scars but she doesn't know how long he going to be out or how long he would be bed written.

Shino- Oh Artmis who would want to hurt you? You been nothing but kind. When I find out who did this to you there going to pay

*Later that night*

Rikku went to Shizu to stay the night because he didn't want to look at Artmis because when ever he does he feels like breaking down and crying.

Shino was in Artmis room and was about to fall asleep when he heard artemis move around a little and open his eyes

Artemis- Ow....... my

Shino- Artemis!? Your awake


Shino- Yes its me

Artemis- What happen? Ow my head hurts a lot

That is when artemis tired to get up but shino took artemis and pull him slowly back down on the bed before sitting back on his chair.

Shino- I don't think its best for you to move that fast

Artemis- What happen?

Shino- Someone tried to kill you artemis

Artmis- What Why!?

Shino- I don't know why but who ever did got away with it but that doesn't matter because what matter is that your here now

After that shino told artemis about what happening around the school when he was knock out. Apparently a lot of students are really upset and want to find the guy who did this to you so they can have justice while others just want to murder the guy.

Soon shino notice that artemis was getting tired and artemis can tell he was getting tired too

Shino- I think we can talk more about this in the morning I will be right here if you need me

Artemis- But you need sleep to shino

Shino- I know but I am still worry about you man

Artemis- How about this them

That is when artemis move over a little bit and pull shino on the bed making shino blush a little bit

Artemis- I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable if you don't want to do it but you can sleep with me tonight since you don't want to leave my side.

Shino- I will appreciate that

Soon after shino grab artemis and pull him closer to him before getting comfortable and falling asleep

Artmis Mind- I can't believe this is happening but I do need some rest

That is when artemis snuggle a little closer to shino chest before falling to sleep feeling safe that the person who he love is right next to him.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now