Love between a sword & demi god (Rose X Bloodmoon) Olympus

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The Moon Rise

Requested by Idostuffmainlywrite

Bloodmoon pov:

It was Exciting seeing everyone hear and ready to kill but I couldn't help but see the perfect form of the rose in this world. My rose waa killed right even before I have met him and even if I did meet him I would of probably kept his sword and a Trophy or even as something to bring back later after all I'm not going to lie. He was hot.

The fact that he had this Palace ready for us and even had a plan for us to take over the camp I was even surprised that he has the camp mark down and everything. Maybe after this is done I'll keep him around after all he seem much more mature then some of the people I'm been hanging out with.

Rose Pov

While going over the plan to everyone I couldn't help but notice how bloodmoon was looking at me like I was some toy he could keep playing until time just up and stop.

It made me feel something that I thought I would never feel worry. I don't know why I feel worry maybe because he can kill me at any second or maybe I feel something for him but that can't be right after all I just met the dude and it seem that he have maybe already kill me in his world.

Rose minds- He must be thinking of ways to get rid of him if I would to ever cause him a problem ya that has to be it.

But even though that was the case I can't help but feel a connection to him like a love connection. I want to be with him but knew that would never happen after all this inpu death book person seem to want me dead so ya.

No one pov:

It took some time but after a few days turn to weeks. Then weeks turn to month's as both rose and bloodmoon want to share there feeling with each other but was afraid to.

Rose doesn't want to be killed while bloodmoon doesn't want things to be Awkward between them but in the end bloodmoon couldn't stand it anymore and when they were alone he took his chance

Bloodmoon- Hey Rose can I talk to you for a moment pls?

Rose- Sure

They went off to the other part of the castle that have the nicest view of the sunrise and sunset.

Rose- So what do you want to talk to me about?

Bloodmoon- Well rose I been meaning to tell you something and that its I love you. I know that it haven't been long but I just feel connected to you that's all

Rose- I feel the same way to you Mr. Bloodmoon but I thought you wanted to kill me?

Bloodmoon- no not at all after all I love you and I just want to be together with you that all

And with that both of them steal there time together with a kiss while the sunset slowly turn to moon rise right behind them.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now