Love story between a Scientist & SCP (Bryan X Devin) SCP

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My Secret

Requested by Themangledrose

No One Pov:

When you work at the foundation there are things you want to keep secret to make sure your survive.

Devin is known to be a Demonic Axolotl scp also known as scp 404.

No one is able to get close to the scp when they found him and because of this a lot of people make sure he was in the Nuclear zone. He is very dangerous and is known to kill anymore who gets in his way and because of this no one the truth that Devin has hid from everyone

Devin fell in love with the new Scientist that works for the foundation. He wants to be with him as he knows he not a bad guy but sadly he never got to see him again when the break outs had happen.

Bryan Pov:

Another day another floor but only this time there seem to be a problem. Xylo have been very hesitant and nervous but when we got to the new floor his heart stop

Xylo bear- I was scared of this

Kayla bear- What's wrong?

Xylo bear- we are entering the dangerous zone of a very dangerous scp that no one can control

Mario- Ok? But we been threw all these floors and have run in with dangerous scp what so different about this one?

Xylo bear- We are going on scp 404 floor also known as the Demonic axolotl. He doesn't let anyone get close to him and he is very violent. They try to keep him in one spot like we kept the immortal Lizard but it didn't work due to the demon blood that going threw him.

Bryan- Oh hehehe can you tell us anymore well I don't know important about him like does he have a weakness or something?

Xylo bear- He doesn't have a weakness but he did calm down after a while before the break out

Mario- Great we have to deal with another monster

Kayla bear- well we have you to do that job to keep them Distracted since you can't die

Mario- But it hurts a lot

Bryan- Let just get this over with pls

As soon as the Elevator doors have open we were on a floor with a lot of water and sea life but while walking we saw a huge tank that seem to be empty

Xylo bear- Great the scp can be anywhere and due to the Pipes being broken there water everywhere

Bryan- Well I don't know about you but I want to get out of here

Kayla bear- Ya the same

While looking threw the exit we saw a huge pool of water as well as a ladder going down in there.

Xylo bear- Great

Mario- I am going to assume this isn't good for us?

Xylo bear- no its not the exit is down there and the water to deep for anyone to get down there before drowning.

Mario- So I can't just swim under there and pull the lever?

Xylo bear- No you can't you would keep dying before you even have a chance of opening it

That is when we heard it. A Demonic growl coming deep from the pool of water. That is when I saw a small axolotl head come up from the water

Bryan- Aww look at the little guy

Kayla bear- Aww can we keep it

Xylo bear- Everyone get back now that is not a normal axolotl

When xylo sad that though the axolotl was already up in front of me before going back under water. I tried to back up but before I could a huge red demon like axolotl appear looking over me with a mixture of black and red eyes but looking at them I didn't see a monster that could kill us but someone that would help us

Xylo bear- Bryan are you crazy get out of there

Bryan- But-

Before I could even finish though Mario grab my hand and pull me away from the axolotl which gave an angry look to Mario. It then grab Mario by its teeth and drag him down to the pool leaving nothing left.

That is when my group had started running and we were able to meet up with Mario again

Bryan- Oh god Mario are you ok?

Mario- Ya why?

Xylo bear- Oh no this is bad

Mario- What is?

Xylo bear- The scp just soul mark you didn't you feel weak while coming here or not see a red mark on your face?

Mario- I did feel weak wait what there a mark on my face

Kayla Bear- Yes there is and its funny

Mario- Now is not the time to make fun of me I need to tell you guys something

Bryan- ok? What is it?

Mario- When I was pull down deep into the water that axolotl brought me to where the exit is and show me that there is a plug on the floor which need to be pull for the water to leave and there is a lever right next to the door.

Xylo bear- Why did he bring you there?

Mario- I don't know

Before they could continue the door where they just can from as well as a part of the wall was crunch and pull out leaving a huge whole where there is no escape. The axolotl demon had found us and was giving me a look that seem familiar before hand.

Bryan- umm guys why is he look at me?

Kayla bear- I don't know but maybe we should worry about getting out of this room first

Mario- but what can we do were corner?

While the others were trying to think on a way to get out I slowly walk up to the axolotl who game me a look of happiness and Excitement.

Devin- Hello there Bryan

Bryan- Wait what how do you know my name?

Xylo bear- did it just speak?

Mario- Yes it did

Devin- It's been so long how are you doing my old friend or should I say lover?

Everyone- LOVER!?

Xylo bear- Wait you use to date a scp do you know how much that Against the code

Devin- Well maybe you shouldn't have catch me but that not the point I am just glad your ok

Bryan- Wait devin!? Is that you? I thought you went missing?

Devin- I did went missing because they pull me in here sorry that I miss your birthdays :(

Bryan- Its ok but now can you help us?

Devin- Anything for you love and I can't wait to get out of here

Xylo bear- Wait hold up your not coming with us

Bryan- Yes he is. If he helping us he coming with us

Xylo bear- But he needs water

Devin- No I don't

With that Devin turn into his human form before grabbing and hugging Bryan.

Bryan- I miss this

Devin- I miss you now let's get out of here

With that Devin transform into his axolotl form and had drain the water from underneath them. When that happen Devin also open the exit door before turning to Bryan again and turning back

Devin- Now come on we need to get going I have a lot of things to catch on with

Kayla bear- and that is?

Devin- Well I want to catch up with my boyfriend of course

Bryan- Aww of course

With that the whole group have gain a new member and had went to the next floor.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now