Alcohol Is The Only Thing That Keeps Me Sane

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Xylo is Secretly an alcoholic due to the amount of stress that going on but that secret didn't became a secret for very long

Origins of Olympus

Requested by Goowy6239

No One Pov:

Xylo have been Sneaky going into a bar at night to get away from everyone

He love and care for everyone sure but after everything that had happen to him and how much he been putting himself in danger he just can't keep it in no more.

He thought that maybe getting a drink would help calm down his stress problems which did help but one drink a month became one drink a week.

Then 2 then 4 then even 10 to the point that almost every night xylo would drink about 5 to 10 bottles just for his stress levels to calm down.

It was also getting out of hand as well but no one seem to notice or care until a certain glow boy got a job at the bar xylo would go to almost every night.

Cal Pov:

I just got a job at a bar when I notice someone that I would least expect see here of all places xylo.

I pointed to xylo and ask my manger about him.

Manger- Oh him he are best customer he help out here a lot. He also almost come here every single night around the same time before he leaves at the same time saying he have work too do. I feel bad for the guy it seem like he have a lot on his mind. I just hope he get help with what ever is going on in his head

Cal- I see well thank you for telling me

Cal Mind- So Xylo comes here almost every single day!? Well I did notice he been going threw a lot of stress as a lately but I didn't expect it was this bad. I should tell someone about this and maybe get xylo some help as well.

*Next Day*

I told inpu about what been happening with xylo and in return inpu and nad agree to help me with him

We went to his place and saw so much paper work on the ground it wasn't even funny.

Inpu- Umm xylo you ok?

Xylo- Yes I'm fine it just camp have so much paper work its hard to keep track that all

Nad- You sure buddy you can always talk to us it you need anything

Xylo- Thank you Nad but I'm good

Inpu- You sure?

Xylo- Yes guys I'm fine. Why are you guys so worry anyway

Cal- I saw you at the bar last night xylo

Xylo- What!?

Cal- I got a new job there and notice you sitting at a table with 6
Bottles already empty. I ask my manger and they told me that you almost always come there almost every single day.

Nad- So we will ask you again are you really ok or are you putting on at act because you don't want people to worry about you

Inpu- You know you could of talk to us and we could of made things easy for you

Cal- Look I know asking for help isn't easy but we are here for you no matter what happens

With that though I gave xylo a hug which in return he gave me a hug. I notice he was crying and soon after everyone else join in the hug

Cal- We will be here for you xylo after all you did so much for us

Xylo- Thank you guys you have no idea how much I needed to hear these words

Inpu- Why don't we talk about it

Nad- After we get some food after all I'm hungry

Xylo- heheh sure I can talk about it after we get some food then come on.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now