Love story between Slayers (Allumos X Brandon) Fairytail

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The Other World

Requested by DingDongboy

No One Pov:

After the great dragon war allumos couldn't help but have a small crush on Brandon.

The show of power, leadership, and his kindness really got to him but when the dragon war happen it was Brandon who help him out before he had to fight the second in command.

When the time hit though allumos was push into a world where magic doesn't even Exist properly. He miss Brandon and his whole guild the mainly brandon.

Even being in the farm land made him question himself of he like marsh anymore.

Allumos- Do I like her anymore? I mean sure she great and everything but Brandon won my heart and I just want to get close to him and learn more about him. I guess as long as kit treats marsh right I don't care whay happens to her because then she will get what she wants and I will get what I want which is love.

Allumos Pov:

While thinking about Brandon pat had appear in my head

Pat- Allumos stop thinking about Brandon its making me feel uncomfortable

Allumos- Will I can't help it. I want to be with him right now and gosh what I would do anything to get my hands on that boy

Micheal- Allumos come over here and help me pls the farm land is getting a little difficult for me.

Allumos- Ok coming

After helping out with the farm though my wish came true as I was able to see brandon again but what seem to be the problem is he going to be force to marry this brat called Francesca and it seem Brandon hates her a lot.

What I heard from Brandon is that she crazy and would properly kill us if we were to take Brandon away from her like come on is this girl a Yandere?

*A Day Later*

I was able to hide Brandon away from Francesca when the party happen. We were in a room and he was hugging me and shaking like crazy. I was also wondering how much have he drank as it seem his was tipsy but not drunk.

Allumos- Brandon listen to me I will make sure this girl won't touch you after all I don't want her to have something that I want to keep for myself

Brandon- Allumos? What do you mean?

Allumos- I like you Brandon a lot and when I heard this Francesca girl have done these horrible things to you it just really pissed me off. As soon as we get out of here I will be glad to take you to a proper date

Brandon- Really? I would really like that thank you allumos

Brandon- No problem now come on I know a place away from the castle that we can sleep for the night then in the morning we can head out.

Brandon- Ok but Allumos

Allumos- Yes?

Brandon- Stay with me pls

Allumos- Of course I won't let anything happen to you I promise

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now