Love story between heros (Flex X Roxxie) My Hero

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A Broken Heart

Requested by OmniverseOrigins

Roxxie and her boyfriend levi haven't gotten the best relationship like they use to. Levi have been keep his distance from roxxie and when ever she wanted to hang out with him he would always run off. After a while though Roxxie felt broken like they were not even dating at all. She see them more like they were before just best friends but when the day came with the huge date he just ran off.

A few day's later he broke up with her. The reason why was because Levi didn't want to be in a relationship with Roxxie anymore and he also didn't want to ruin what left of there relationship so he just want to be friends.

This made Roxxie feel broken inside but she understand where he was coming from and agree to be just friends. After that through she took her broken heart and cried it all out. She never had her heart broken like this and it hurt her so when the next day came she tried her best to avoid everyone in class.

*Few Hours Later*

Roxxie was at the lockers when Alexander/Flex came up to her.

Alexander- Roxxie is there something wrong?

Roxxie- Oh hi flex I didn't see you there hehehe

Alexander- I know something up but if you ever need to talk about something I will always be your listener.

Roxxie- Thanks Flex maybe I do San to talk about it

Alexander- Ok which time?

Roxxie- How about the same time when you gave me my first kiss

Alexander- Ok you got it

When they clock hit the time roxxie was getting really nervous about this for some reason. When flex finally show up he saw roxxie in the corner of the green house crying a little

Flex- Roxxie what's wrong?

That is when roxxie explain everything to him. She explain what he has been hiding from her and why he broke up with her. This made her small crying turn into huge crying. Flex didn't know what else to do other than hug her and try to comfort her.

Flex- Look Roxxie no matter what happens you will always have me by your side and not just that but all of your friends to just never loose yourself for a mistake that someone else did because no matter what happens you will always not be alone

Roxxie- Thanks Flex I really needed that.

Flex- No problem

After that day flex and roxxie started to get close. Levi and Roxxie did made up with the help of flex but they both agree to stay friends and nothing more. When prom show up, Flex was in his Alexander form as a big bad wolf while Roxxie was red riding hood by his side and they both had a huge blast together.

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