Love story between demi gods (Brandeen X Cal) Olympus Pt:2

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My Midnight Date

Requested by SkyfoxMoon

No One Pov:

After that night Brandeen couldn't stop thinking about Cal to the point that he want to have cal all for himself.

He ask lychee to bring cal a note for him which he agree with doing.

When cal got the note he was blushing red as it pretty much said that Brandeen want to see him again.

Brandeen Pov:

I was at the spot that I met my soon to be lover. I had a date plan which was we were going to watch a movie outside where the night sky sparkles.

While waiting I saw him which made me smile.

Brandeem- Took you long enough

Cal- Sorry I got lost but what is this?

Brandeem- We are going to watch a movie

Cal- Really now?

Brandeen- Yes and I hope you like it. Its a classic horror movie

Cal- Horror movie!?

Brandeen- What? Are you scared?

Cal- Me scared nooooo

Brandeen- Then come on

When the movie started cal was sitting on my lap which made me blush a little but when the jumpscares came cal would jump and hold me tight which made me smirk a little.

After the movie was over I turn to cal before giving him a kiss on the lips which made his whole face turn red.

Brandeen- We should do this again

Cal- Yes we should but next time I will choose the movie

Brandeen- Alright what ever you said

Cal- I think I need to get going now

Brandeen- Wait before you go can I ask you something

Cal- Sure what is it?

Brandeen- Will you be my boyfriend?

Cal- Of course I will

With that I gave him a midnight kiss goodbye before he both head home for the night.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now