Love story between two demi gods (Inpu X Bryan) Olympus

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A Yandere love

Requested by Moltenisbestboi

When Inpu and byan first met Inpu felt a connection with him but didn't think to much of it until River came up to him with a threat. That is when he started to feel that Bryan was more to him than a friend but a lover and the fact that river was in the way of that lover anger him so he vile to make sure Bryan was his and no one else's.

Inpu Pov:

I was using my powers to watch Bryan to make sure he was safe and all when my sibling came up to me. They were really the only person who found out about my little killing secret but they promise not to tell anyone because apparently we get that from are mother.

Who knew are mother would be a Yandere and that dad made out with her to make us. Like that amazing but it didn't really shock me.

After a while through Bryan and I started to fall in love I love staying with him and all but when he kiss me for the first time I never wanted him to let go.

Though there was another problem. Another Yandere I should say was in camp and tried to kill me but when the found out I was one to and with bryan they made me promise something

River- Inpu you make Bryan happy right?

Inpu- Yes I do

River- Then make sure nothing happens to him or else I will find you and kill you myself understand

Inpu- I would murder anyone before they lay a hand on Bryan

River- Good besides even though I love him I heard my real lover didn't die that means I still have him by my side I just hope everything goes well for you after all a yandere job isn't always over

After that day I made sure Bryan was safe and I stay by his side no matter what. I made sure I gave him the world and soon enough he gave the world right back to me.

I did murder a lot of people who did get in my way like Bryan Ex boyfriend and the rose but what they don't know won't hurt them and even after a while we had kids and I know when they grow up and find someone they love I would be right by there side to teach them everything.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now