Love story between heros (Shino X Artemis) My Hero

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Go To Sleep

I am going to say is that I made this before Rikku was reveal to be transgender so this might be the last time I am going to say she is a he.


Its been a few days Artmis haven't been getting the best of sleep. He been getting nightmares about things he doesn't even understand.

Some examples are he see his friends died right in front of him and he couldn't do anything about it. He can even hear the screams of them crying out for artemis before they died. Another one is that he was abandoned by everyone that he loves and saw a family. They left him making him fall into an endless void.

But the worse one was that he saw his family died right in front of him and then he was blame for everything. He was left by the orphanage out on the streets and he lost everything making him died a lonely slowly painfully death.

After that he didn't sleep for about three weeks. A lot of people started to grow worry for artemis because he wasn't acting himself. Sure he was still sweet and kind but he kept to himself a lot more and unless he was talking to he would keep his mouth shut. After a while shino hand enough and talk to him privately.

Shino- Artemis what's wrong?

Artemis- What do you mean? Hehehe

Shino- You haven't been acting like yourself lately

Artemis- I just tired that all

Shino- Now that you mentioned it why do you look so tired?

Artemis- Oh well I been having nightmares lately and because of that I haven't been sleeping for three weeks


Artemis- yes hehehe

Shino- Artemis this isn't funny

Artemis- I know but I didn't know what else to do

Shino- Well Riku isn't going to be with us at the dorm because he will be hanging out with his Lover so why don't you get some rest. We don't have school tomorrow so try to relax and take it easy

Artemis- I'll try

When night fell Artemis did tried to get some sleep before waking up from a nightmare. When he look at the clock he saw the time he Barely shut his eyes and got into a nightmare that fast.

Artemis Mind- Maybe if I get a glass of water that can help

When he went down stairs he saw Shino looking threw the fridge.

Artemis- Shino? Why are you up so late?

Shino- Getting something to eat but why aren't you asleep Artemis?

Artemis- Well I was getting a glass of water hehehe

That is when Shino grab Artemis arm and drag him up stairs to his room. That is where shino laid artemis down and sit right next to him

Artemis- Shino what are you doing?

Shino- I am going to stay with you until you go to sleep

Artemis- Oh ok

*Few hours past*

Shino was about to get up when he saw Artemis shaking and crying in his sleep. Shino tried to shake him awake but nothing was working until a huge scream came from his mouth before he woke up

Shino- Artemis omg are you ok?

Artemis- I'm find now but I don't want to go back to sleep now

Shino- *Sigh*

That is when shino went to laid down on Artemis new bed and laid Artemis on top of him. Artemis was blushing like crazy at first but soon Rap his arms around shino. That is when Shino started to rub circles on Artemis back trying to calm him down. He started to sing as well. He sang the song he heard his parents sang before the Accident that happen. All these made Artemis finally fell asleep on top of Shino.

Shino- Goodnight artemis sweet dreams I love you and see you in the morning

Before holding Artemis close to his chest cuddling him and then falling asleep within each other arms.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now