Love story between two demi gods (Tobias X Belle) DnD

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The Bear Within Me

Tales of Olympics

Requested by Bearer_of_Dragons

After the day Tobias had his first transformation of his WereBear form he started to work out more. He knew he should get stronger so he can try to control his inner bear but while doing this he gotten belle eye on this.

Belle has been keeping an eye on Tobias lately. She started to show him the ropes of working out and he was starting to be a fast worker. Isaac did try to get into the workouts with belle so he can be closer to her but of course he had to give up when he wad almost crush by a Dumbbell. The only reason he is alive right now was because Tobias was able to take the 150 weight dumbbell off of him.

As a while though the two started to fall for each other an even started to become even close.

*Few days later*

Tobias and the others were send off to a quest where they would kill a dragon who been causing some problems with the whole real world.

While fighting it the dragon had everyone badly hurt. Isaac and Vanny was trying there best to heal everyone at once and been trying to make sure they don't die. Harry was knock out cold with blood dripping off his face. Tobias was clenching his chest when he saw belle being crush by the dragon foot.

Without thinking Tobias went into his WereBear form and started going wild on the dragon until there was nothing left but Scatter bones, blood, and meat all over the floor. After that he past out on the floor.

*When they got back*

When everyone got back belle laid Tobias on his bed and waited for him to wake up.


*Tobias wakes up*

Tobias- Ow my head what happen?

Belle- You don't remember?

Tobias- Well I remember the fight. Then when I saw you getting hurt I felt rage and after that everything went black

Belle- You became a WereBear again

Tobias- I did?

Belle- Yes I did I gust when you saw the dragon hurting me you got angry and lost control

Tobias- Oh that does sound about right

Belle- Tobias

Tobias- Yes?

Belle- Thank you

And with that belle kiss Tobias on the head before walking away to her room. Tobias couldn't help but blush before going back to sleep and belle well

Belle Mind- I can't believe I kiss him. I know that he a good guy and all but I didn't think I would kiss him. Maybe I found the right man who really gets me. I just have to make sure Isaac doesn't do anything to him like the last person who I fell for

And with that she went into her room and started snuggling a stuff animal who was a bear before falling asleep.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now