Love story between Werewolves ( Bryan x Mario) Supernatural Pt: 1

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Long Live The Pack

Requested by wolfieship4

No One Pov:

After the incident Mario went feral as he turn into his werewolf form and ran off into the woods never to be seen again.

As that had happen Bryan was able to gather the few things left at his home before running off leaving what left of his old pack behind.

* 5 years later*

Bryan Pov:

I was out hunting when I heard a howl in the background of the woods. I tried my best to Ignore it and went back to hunting when I heard it again but this time it was closer.

I listened carefully to the howls as they seem familiar to me and they were kinda pulling me in to go back but I was able to keep my instinct in check and went back to hunting.

That is when I found a lonely deer in my way. I was able to hide behind the busses before it saw me. I wen into my normal wolf form because even though my werewolf form is strong I has to lean how to turn into my wolf form to hide myself from hunters and the wild hunt.

While in wolf form I was about ready to pounds when I saw something in a horror sight.

I saw another werewolf jumping out from his hiding spot and ripping the deer in half. He seem feral but that wasn't what surprised me. What surprised me was his sent. It was so familiar and it was making me go crazy trying to remember where I smell or even met this wolf before.

Through before I was able to think of something the giant werewolf turn into wolf form. His form form was much bigger than mine and it was scaring me. If I get spotted I know I will be a goner and fighting this wolf was a death wish waiting to come.

As some time past the feral wolf stop eating and started smelling the air which made me frozen in place. It started walking my way as I heard a low growl coming from it and before I knew it I was running away while it was chasing me.

Tears were forming from my eyes fearing on what it would do to me if it catch me but luck may have it of course it was faster than me as it jump on top of me.

My ears went down as I feel this wolf breath in my face. Thinking it was the end of me, I was pick up by the giant wolf and was taken to this cave that wasn't really far where I was living.

The wolf drop me before I ran into the corner of the cave dum of me I know.

That is when I saw his eyes and notice something in the cave and before I knew it I was right in front of my formal alpha mario. I was in shock like how did my powerful alpha become so feral.

I was soon taken out of my thoughts when the giant wolf walk up to me and started licking my face which made me blush and look down. The wolf even rap his body around me which was making me blush like crazy but soon my feeling became sad.

How could this happen to us like how. One minute everything was fine but when the wild hunt came I thought I was the last werewolf and now my old alpha who is feral is right in front of me I couldn't leave I couldn't so I made the choice to stay and find a way to get my old alpha back.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now