Love story between demi gods (Xylo X Naya & Amaya) Olypmus

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Requested by Xygnuss & adrian69696969

No One Pov:

Xylo was working on his normal things when he heard a loud crash noise. When he went to go check it out he was a creature more like a demon grabbing the fox twins necks before jumping into a portal.

Xylo couldn't help but jump right after them. He couldn't just stand by and watch the fox twins just be taken away like that and just do nothing. When he finally landed he realized he was in a dark cave with purple like Crystals around. Xylo couldn't help but realize what was happening.

Xylo Mind- The demon must of taken them for there Ritual.

You see xylo recognize these purple crystals because he had to use them to summon certain demons to fight and kill inside the underworld.

When he turn he saw his theory was true

Naya Pov:

My sister and I were going to do are normal thing when a demon appear and took us to there den where they change us in the middle of the circle

Amaya- Why are you doing this?

Demonic Shadow- Because I need you guys for my plan. You see I needed two royals from a death god. You see I need on to keep alive and one for my ritual. They needed to be close and blood related to so why not you guys since I couldn't get those Anubis children out of there underworld and the hybrid triplets won't work because they have Aphrodite blood in them. That why I needed you guys

Naya- Wait until we get out of here because when we do I bet we will make your life a living hell

Demonic Shadow- Well then that more like it I like a woman with some spice to them

Naya- Ew gross get away from us

After a while though this shadow took my out of the middle and place me on a chair with these eyes that made me feel really uncomfortable.

Demonic Shadow- Calm down you two the fun is about to begin

That is when the shadow like creature let out a huge scream. We then noticed an arrow right threw the shadow creature chest.

Xylo Pov:

When he said those words I couldn't hold back anymore and shot him right threw the chest. When that happen he let out a scream before I went and cut his head off.

That is when the fox twins look at me with the look of get us out of here which I did help them with

When he got back to the camp they fox twins won't leave me alone. That is when I made an offer for them to stay in my cabin for a night which they did take.

That night when I went to sleep the fox twins got into my bed and started cuddling up to me which I aloud because they did get him kidnap. Soon after we all fell asleep in each other arms.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now