Love Story between gamers (Alexa X Varros) Sword Art

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Drinking Doesn't solve everything

Request by AstraWasFound

Alexa Pov:

I just came back from a huge hunt. Its been about two years since everyone have been trap in the game. Everyone have pretty much excepted life at this point.

I went to are local bar so I can get some drinks after being force to hunt those huge creatures but when I enter I saw Varros there.

He been at the bar multiple times a day that he practically lives here now. Since he been trap in the game for a while he been feeling depressed.

A lot of gamers would talk to him though and did enjoy his stories and jokes but that all people really calls him for.

Alexa- Hey Varros how have you been?

Varros- Tired haven't have a good night sleep in years

Alexa- Ya I get that but lying here all day isn't going to fix this

Varros- Why do you still talk to me? Other players have given up on me by now

Alexa- Because I just do your important to everyone here Varros sure no one have told you this for a while now but you are Special. You can do anything you want in this game but you just sit here drowning your trouble away. You know drinking doesn't fix everything.

Varros- I know but how am I going to have my dream come true if I am stuck in this game forever

Alexa- What is your dream?

Varros- Well I want to help create cute toys for kids that need it the most and maybe find a girlfriend and start a family with but I can't do that stuff here.

Alexa- Sure you can and why don't I help you with one of those things right now?

Varros- Oh ya and which one will that be I don't think you can help me with any of those things

Alexa- Well Varros will you go on a date with me

Varros- Wait What!?

Alexa- You see I kinda like you for a while now and I really didn't plan on telling you because I thought you would hate me for these feeling

Varros- What no no no I could never hate you

Alexa- Alright so what about that date? I know a good area away where we can have a picnic. How about I pick you up around 7:00pm

Varros- That sounds great see you then Alexa

With that though I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left the area feeling really proud of myself.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now