Love Story between Demi Gods (Solis X Inpu) Olympus

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Everything will work out I promise

Requested by Fronnie59

After the talk with xylo Solis started to go crazy a little bit. He was crying and was having panic attacks. After a while inpu found out about Solis panic attacks that were going on and tied to find out what have been causing these attacks.

Inpu- Solis?

Solis- oh inpu its you

Inpu- Solis what's wrong?

Solis- That snake its back

Inpu- What snake? Are you talking about Kayla?

Solis- ....

Inpu- I bet she fine. She can handle that snake any day

Solis- NO not that snake. I know the nice lady is fine now but I am not talking about that snake

Inpu- Then what snake are you talking about?

Solis- The snake that tried to eat my dad its back and it wants revenge

Inpu- What!? That snake is dead for years now. You must be just thinking things

Solis- No xylo warn me about it. He said that Loki took the form of his dad and release the snake.

Inpu- Solis everything is going to be ok

Solis- How do you know that

That is when inpu took Solis by the hand and stated hugging him. Trying to not let him go rocking back and forth.

Inpu- Because we are family and we are all strong together

After that a few hours have past and Solis fell asleep into inpu arms. iInpu put Solis to bed before kissing his forehead goodnight.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now