You Always be A Daughter to Me

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Ana and Ronin having a Father and Daughter time

My Hero Origins

Requested by ToManyDanganronpaKin

Ana didn't have the best life at home. His parents didn't really like her. They only took care of her because she was there blood related daughter and they couldn't have another one. Ana didn't like a lot of people to because of how she look but the day she met Ronin was the day she felt more at home.

Ana- Ronin may I talk to you alone when we get the chance pls?

Ronin- sure why not

After school finally end Ana was waiting by ronin door. When Ronin was ready for Ana he let her in.

Ronin- You wanted to talk?

Ana- Yes I did and I know how Embarrass this can be but can you be my dad pls?

Ronin- What!?

Ana- Can you be my dad pls?

Ronin- Oh umm I don't know kid don't you have parents?

Ana- Well you see my parents and I don't get really along. When I go to sleep I hear them down stares about how they should of killed me or get rid of me when they had the chance but when I am around them they pretend to like me

Ronin- Ana I didn't know

Ana- Its ok no one really knows because I always keep it to myself

Ronin- How about I go take you out for some ice cream then maybe we can start talking about this then

After that Ana and ronin started talking a lot more. She always went to Ronin when she needed help while Ronin started raising her like his own. Ronin did get a little over protective though when she said this

But other than that things started to get comfortable for Ana now. She started acting like a different person now. She doesn't care about her look anymore because she knew that this is her. She wasn't that shy anymore but she does act the same a little still when she is around new people but other than that she started to get the life that she always wanted and Ronin will always be by her side helping her for as long as he lives.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now