Love Story Between Heros (Flex X Kol) My Hero

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Rescuing you

Request by AstraWasFound

No One Pov:

After Kol "death" everything went back to normal. Of course flex was almost kick out of the school in total but when they heard he can copy powers they think it beat to keep him on the campus but keep a good eye on him.

Flex is force to have a dorm next to a teacher until he is proven that he is a good person. A lot of students stay away from flex but flex didn't care after all all he is doing is buying time until he leaves this place and be with kol.

Flex and Kol have been talking. Flex have always gave news to kol about what is happening to him and the Academy but when it was getting worse for flex to stay in that place kol knows he might have to break Flex out of there permanently.

Flex Pov:

I was in my dorm reading my book when one of the teacher pull me out of my dorm for there test.

They been training and testing me as well as putting me in other classes to keep an eye on me but all they are giving me is more knowledge on everything.

I also been becoming really smart about all of this. My mind have evolved and I was also able to touch and copy everyone power/voice so I know that can become useful for kol when he needs it.

That is when an Alarm went off about villains attacking the school and everyone is being force to leave the school.

I broke out of the room I was trap in and ran Towards the danger and that is where I saw it. Kol as well as other people fighting the heroes. They seem to be having the upper hand.

Ronin- Kol but your dead. Everyone thought you were dead

Kol- Well yes I am dead well the old me is now I am here because you have someone I want back and I will be getting him back today

Loodswing- Oh ya and who will that be?

Kol- That none of your business all I need is for you all to get out of my way

Avian- That doesn't matter what matter is you being out behind bars kol I knew you were trouble. You and that flex kid

Kol- What have you done to flex

Ronin- So that what you are after huh. You want your friend back. Well I am sorry to say but you can't have him back

Kol- I wasn't asking you kindly. I want my lover back he mine and you hero's are just here to use him since he has the power to copy other people powers now. If he didn't have that power then you would of kick him out of this school sooner I am just here to help you with that

Avian- Do you have any idea what power that boy have he can help people you are just going to Corrupt him

Kol- Well isn't that what you been doing to him though? You been forcing him to do stuff that he not Comfortable with. You been using him this whole time

Ronin- Enough of this

Kol- Yes I agree enough of this useless talking after all my boyfriend is here and I don't want to hurt his friends right in front of him

Flex- Kol your here

Kol- Well of course I am

With that though kol using his powers to push everyone away from the area we were at. He look at me and gave me a smile before taking me with him

Flex- So where to next babe?

Kol- Well I have this date plan up for you and I so why don't we go for it?

Flex- Of course lets go then.

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