Love story between a Hunter & Werewolf (Mario X Bryan) Supernatural

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Back Together

I believe someone requested this one but I don't remember who as its been a while

No One Pov:

After the great battle between the horsemen and the Supernatural something bad happen which led to mario and Bryan choosing something they thought they would never choose.

To save both of there lives Mario and Bryan made a deal with the a powerful dragon that had Took there souls to the future but in doing so one of them will get a new life and won't remember the other one until they finally meet each other once again.

Years past and both werewolves made it to the new year the only thing they need to do is find each other to make there love whole once again.

Bryan Pov:

I was in the wood hunting some food when I hit a trap in my normal wolf form. When I turn I saw a hunter but this hunter look a lot like my Mario even though I know its not him

Mario- Sorry little guy but I need to move you somewhere safe so you won't be hunt again

Bryan Mind- wait is he helping me?

That is when I took a chance and turn into my human form so I can get out of the trap. When I did the Hunter look shock.

Mario- Your a werewolf

Bryan- Yes yes I am sorry for disturbing you I will leave and never return after all I gust my lover isn't hear

Mario- Lover? Maybe I can help you what does this lover look like?

Bryan- Well his name is Mario and he looks a lot like you in a way

Mario- Looks like me? What do you mean?

Bryan- Well I won't say much but Mario and I was going to be killed long ago. We made a deal with a dragon who save are lives but in doing so he gave my lover a new one. All the dragon said that he would keep his name and some of his looks

Mario- What's your name?

Bryan- What?

Mario- What's your name werewolf pls just tell me your name?

Bryan- My name is Bryan

Mario- Bryan is that really you?

Bryan- Mario? MARIO oh my gosh Mario I miss you so much

*pulls Mario into a hug*

Mario- I miss you to my little pup

*place a small kiss on Bryan forehead*

Mario- I am so sorry that I caught you in one of my nets

Bryan- Its ok its ok I'm ok now and I am just glad to see you again as we are now back together

Mario- And I will make sure we stay that way until they day death do us part once again.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now