Love story between Heros (Koal X Alexander/Flex) My Hero

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Cold Night

Before we start I am going to be using both names. Flex is when he is in his original form while Alexander will be in his human form. This is now how I am going to write Xylo Character now.

Requested by Bearer_of_Dragons

It was a normal day at best for the two. Koal have been getting into trouble while Alexander or flex I should say have been making friends and been getting new looks for his own camouflage.

It was truly a surprise that the two even dis click but that the aide the Point. Koal got out of another Detention while flex was walking by to give the teacher some notes that the principal have given him.

Koal- Flex wait

Flex- Yes?

Koal- Are you going to be at the base tonight? I haven't seen you since my mom show up

Flex- Oh right that umm I will be there don't worry it just that things have been caching up to me that all. Don't worry I will try my best to be at the base it just that something from my past just came up that all

Koal- I see well then pls tell me if something comes up ok?

Flex- Well do

*Koal Leaves*

Flex Mind- I think I should try to make it to the cave so everyone can stop worrying about me

*Night Falls*

Koal was doing his normal thing threw out the city. He was going on his patrol when he ran into an enemy. He ran into one of the old heroes who because a villain Frost Bite. While battling her, Koal felt himself reaching his limit but when he tries to get away, Frost Bite frozen him in place and was going to freeze him to death when they heard someone in the shadows. She didn't want to get into another fight so she left leaving kaol as a past out icicle.

Flex- Oh no Kaol pls be alive pls

Flex Mind- He still have a pulse there a chance for him still

That is when he turn into Alexander and took him back at the dorms. The only lucky thing is that Blake was at a sleep over with some of the girls leaving the boys the dorm for the whole night.

Alexander put a blanket over Kaol and place him down right next to him trying to keep his body warm. When Koal finally woke up he was freezing still but he felt Alexander warmth on him.

Koal Mind- Why is it so cold oh wait that right the fight but how did I get here.

*Turn to see Alexander*

Koal Mind- Wait Flex. He took me home all by himself

That is when koal started blushing a little bit but he soon did calm down. Koal was making some movement though which did wake Alexander up.

Alexander- Oh your awake oh thank god I was so worry

Koal- Flex?

Alexander- Ya?

Koal- Did you take me home all by yourself?

Alexander- I did. I know how you are koal. You wouldn't want others to know about this and your very lucky that Blake was at a sleep over or else I would have to try to explain what happen to you

Koal- I see well then thank you

Alexander- No problem but you still need rest don't worry I will be by your side when you wake up

Koal- Thank you

That is when koal started to cuddle with Alexander trying to get warm before falling back to sleep

Alexander Mind- don't worry koal no matter what happens I will always have your back no matter what.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now