Love story between demi gods (River X Xylo) Olympus

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Saving The One Who Needs Saving

Requested by WolfbeGaming

It was a normal day for river. He was trying to help out with the work around camp while ignoring feeling for someone within the camp.

While doing his work someone from his past appear and told him something that made him shake. An old dragon named Neko appeared once again and wanted blood. They need River back home as fast as he could before the dragon finds him and kill him.

River tried to play it off like he would be fine but deep down he knew that it was a lie. He heard rumors about the dragon and how his own father who is a god had the most hardest time trying to take care of it.

River Mind- No I should be fine I don't think it can come to this camp or at least threw the gates.

*Few days later*

River was outside of camp trying to help out the wild life outside when the dragon appear and attack him. He tried his best to fight it off but it had the upper hand.

That is when a bow shot hit the dragon heart and started to take the life away from it before it drop down dead.

River Mind- I am glad that      is           Over

Before falling onto the floor unconscious

When he came to he was in his bed with his crush xylo right next to him

River- Xylo!?

Xylo- River your awake you go me worry. When I saw that dragon attacking you it made me think that you won't going to make it. Sorry if it was one of you land dragons because its dead now

River- No xylo you don't understand you save my life

Xylo- I did

That is when river grab xylo and started hugging him making xylo face blush red.

River- Yes you did. You killed the thing that my father and I have been having problems with

Xylo- Well then I was glad that I can help at least

When xylo said that it made river feel like butterflies were in his Stomach. He couldn't help but kiss xylo on the cheek before turning his face away.

Xylo- Oh umm why did you kiss me?

River- Sorry

Xylo- No its ok its ok I kind of like it

When xylo said that river and xylo were coming close to each other and kiss both feeling amazing after knowing full well that one another feel the same way as the other one.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now