Love story between two demi gods (Magnus X Xylo) Olympus

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Stay With Me Pls

Requested by M9BenX

No One Pov:

After the boom taken control indecent Magnus haven't being feeling like themselves like they were missing something. Inpu there brother tried his best to cheer them up but sadly noting happen.

They soon started to have nightmares and when they got there four tails and all the nightmares just gotten worse and worse to the point they don't even sleep anymore.

Inpu Have petty much almost try everything he can thank of to help there sibling but nothing seem to work making Magnus loose hope on an endless nightmare that would last as long as they live or at least that is what they thank.

Xylo Pov:

I was going to inpu place after inpu told me to check on Magnus for them. The reason why inpu couldn't do it was because he was gone doing research.

When I ask why I had to check on Magnus he told me that Magnus haven't been acting like themselves since the accident and even through they try to act like everything if fine its really not.

When I got to there Pyramid I found where the bedroom were and saw Magnus asleep but before I left I saw them started to move all over the bed like they were having a nightmare

Magnus Pov:

I was running for my life after I saw everyone in camp got kill in the most painful way Imaginable right in front of my eyes. Pretty much I was the last person standing and was trying my best to get away from this demon but when ever I look back they were always right behind me.

That is when they Tackle me and started pulling my tails right off of my body in the most painful way Imaginable. That is when I felt someone shake me awake.

When I finally was able to get my Vision back I saw xylo there in a worry tone. I didn't know why but I hug him and started trying within his arms.

Xylo Pov:

I never seen Magnus this upset before and they wouldn't even let me leave because when I try to get them some water they just grab me and rap there tails around me to make sure I couldn't escape.

Xylo- Hey Magnus its ok it was just a nightmare it wasn't real

Magnus- But I have been having these nightmares after I was free from the cursing book

Xylo- Magnus look at me

Magnus- Mmm?

Xylo- Do you want me to stay here with you so you can feel more Comfortable

Magnus- Yes pls

With that Magnus soon lay down the grab and and started cuddling me before falling asleep. I let gout a sigh before giving inpu a note then falling asleep with Magnus in my arms.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now