Love story Between a Mage & a Slayer (Silver X Brandon) Fairytail

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Are little Secret

Requested By SlowlyKillHiro

After the day Silver and Brandon met they became close friends and I mean very close friends. They would tell each other everything and would never leave one of other behind. though after Reaper death Sliver was going into Depression but because of Brandon he was able to get threw it and even get threw of being a guild leader to grand master it seem.

Threw everyone else eyes they saw Sliver and Brandon as close friends like a Bff sort of way but what they didn't know was that they were actually dating. They had to keep it a secret though because if word have gotten out when the grand master was around he would of took things way to far.

But when grand master had finally took his last breath and died they got married and everything was great or at least that what people thought. No one knew they they were dating or even married for that matter until a mistake was hit into place.

Before the great meet hit for the next grand master games Ritchie have been getting worry for his brother because he been acting a little strange lately.

Brandon- Hey Brother

Ritchie- Yes what is it?

Brandon- I have to go somewhere but I will be back I promise

And with that Brandon left leaving Ritchie there

Ritchie Mind- I should follow Brandon to see if everything is ok

When Ritchie follow him he saw something that he thought he would never see he saw Brandon his brother kissing Silver. He wasn't able to hear much but he did hear a few things they were saying

Sliver- Babe are meeting is going to start soon we need to stop meeting like this

Brandon- I know but I miss you so much I don't like being away from you for so long it hurt my heart

Sliver- I know but still

Brandon- How about we do something together just me and you

Silver- I would like that

And with that silver and Brandon kiss one last time before heading to the meeting

*In the meeting*

While the meeting was happening Ritchie drop the bomb on everyone the Silver and Brandon were dating. This shock everyone and it even shock the lovers too.

Brandon- How did you find out?

Ritchie- You can't keep things away from me brother Especially this how long has it been Brandon?

Brandon- Since we first met we both fell in love with each other

Mitch- And you didn't tell anyone why?

Silver- We wanted to keep it a secret

Lopho- Ok then so how is the relationship

Brandon- well my husband and I have been doing great

Everyone- HUSBAND!?

Sliver- Oh ya we are married surprise

Ritchie- How!?

Brandon- That a long story but anyways can we drop the subject

And with that they did but when Brandon got home the whole guild heard what happen and made Brandon feel Embarrass but he doesn't care because what matters now is that he is able to love silver now where ever he goes without trying to hide it

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now