Love Story between two demi gods (Xylo X Magnus) Olympus Pt: 2

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Requested by UBmaster3522

Xylo Pov:

Its been a few years since Magnus and Inpu left. I have been trying my best to keep the camp in working order and even made sure things are finally back into peace.

I couldn't help but still wonder how my lover is doing back home because to be completely Honest I haven't been able to visit them because I didn't have Access to there underworld anymore.

Magnus Pov:

Its been a few years since I last saw my boyfriend. I been helping inpu trying to get his lover back but then he had created kids from it. I'm shock by this but also glad because there fun to hang around with.

I wonder if maybe I will have kids one-day with xylo that would mean the world to me.

*Few Days Later*

Inpu and have been talking to the kids about returning to the human realm. I'm Excited because I get to see my little purple teddy bear again.

When we got to the other side I Immediately tried to find xylo but inpu stop me. Now not going to lie I do love being an anti but when you haven't seen your lover in years you just want to go out and tried to find him.

Inpu- I know you want to see xylo but can we at least take the kids to momiji first?

Magnus- Ok

But as soon as we started to talk to momiji the kids just kinda push me away and told me to find my lover which I happily did.

Xylo Pov:

I was at the grave yard showing my respect to my lost brother when I heard someone behind me. I turn to see Magnus there looking straight at me.

Xylo- Magnus

Magnus- Xylo

Both- Oh my gosh I miss you so much


Xylo- When did you get back?

Magnus- Oh just about an hour ago I had to find away to leave inpu and with a little bit of help I did

Xylo- Well I'm glad to see you again

Magnus- Ya me too but how about that date you promise me

Xylo- What?

Magnus- I read your letters it just I'm not able to sent any back to you that all

Xylo- Oh its ok well we can started are date now by catching up then later we can get dinner

Magnus- Ya lets do that

And we both found a perfect spot in camp where no one can bug us and we can have are date in peace.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now