Love story between an scp and a human (Bryan X Devin) SCP

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The axolotl ScP

Inspired by DragneelHearts brydev oneshot book with there scp ideas it made me want to make one of my own and maybe make a story of scp Devin and Bryan who knows

Bryan pov:

As the Elevator had stop we had hit the next floor where I notice a lot of water as there is a huge main pool right in front of us.

Kaylabear- why is there a pool in the middle of the floor and why are there water falls coming from the walls?

Xylo- oh no I know what floor we are in

Mario- Oh boi what dangerous scp lives on this floor

Xylo- Its scp 404 also known as scp axolotl

Bryan- that doesn't sound as bad

Xylo- you don't understand this scp hates the Scp foundation

Mario- What did you guys do to him? If you don't mind me asking

Xylo- Well he use to be a D class that was free after doing the test here and survive then drag back here when he was turn into an scp.

Bryan- wait what!?

Bryan mind- 404 where have I heard that number before

Devin Pov:

As I heard the elevator doors open I hid under the water but that when I saw him. It was the scientist that help me escape this place in the first place.

I didn't think I would ever seen him again due to the foundation ban me from seeing him ever again due to them finding out that he was the reason why I was able to leave this place and they wipe his memory of me existing at all

I couldn't help but feel flustered that he was on my floor but at the same time angry to see other people or should I say scp with him

Devin mind- don't worry my cutie pie I am here to stay this time

Bryan Pov:

As we were traveling and swimming threw the floor we hit a room. It was a big room that had water almost everywhere. It look like a normal room with a bed and a couple of toys/posters but water falls were coming off from the walls into a small river that circle the room. Then there were two room small rooms that separated from the big room. One of the small room had a huge pool that seem to have ocean life in it. It also seem to be a big fish tank.

The other one had a hot tub in it and posters of sea life around it. When I went back to the room and went on the bed I notice a hidden plushie under the covers that seem to be ME!?

Bryan- Umm xylo care to explain this

*pulling the plushie off from under the bed

Kaylabear- Oh my gosh it's a small Bryan give me it

Xylo- No no no Bryan put that back now that the scp favorite plushie and have killed multiple people including Scientist who have touch it

Bryan- wait WHAT!?

Mario- Just give it to me Bryan I will put it back where you found it

That when Mario took the plushie out of my hands and started to put it back down when kaylabear took it and ran out of the room with it

Xylo- Kayla bear no give that back

Kaylabear- Catch me if you can

That when this became a chasing game to where to get a plus his of me back on in the room before the scp find out but I think it was too late of that when we all heard a demonic growl coming from the water.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now