Love story between the supernatural (Rian X Devin) Supernatural

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Rejection to Love

Requested by Starvna

Devin always had a crush on Rian. He just never knew how to tell him so with the help of his best friend and father he was able to get rian in a private area where no one can ruined this.

Rian- Ok Devin Micheal wanted me to talk to you about something so what's up?

Devin Mind- Ok here goes nothing

Devin- Rian I know you might not feel the same way that I do but I like you a lot and I was wondering if we can go on a date?

Rian Mind- Oh my goes this can't be happening. My crush just ask me out what should I do. Wait that right the War I can't do this I'm sorry my love but its have to wait even if this might break both of are hearts its best for this to happen.

Rian- Im sorry Devin but I can't

Devin- Oh I see will then I understand you don't have the same feelings as me am I right?

Rian- I ummm ..........

Devin- It's fine I understand after all things like this happen

After that Devin left rian. After Devin did left through rian couldn't help but feel weak. The feeling that he hated mainly because he always believed that love is weak and not even telling Devin his true feeling is even weaker then that.

Austin did talk about what happen that day but Rian just kept quiet. Austin can tell Rian in pain but at the same time he understand the reason why he did it.

Austin- *Sigh* I know your scared to love again because you don't want to loose him like you lost her am I right?

Rian- There no keep secrets from you hehehe your right

Austin- I knew it but I also know that you want to tell him anyways as well. Rian I know your scared but if you don't give him a chance things might end before you know it

Rian- I know but what can I say after telling him that Devin have been avoiding me and when we do talk its always awkward.

Austin- Well maybe Bri and I can help with that

Rian- Thanks Austin your the best

Austin- I know I am but you need to get some rest ok?

Rian- Ok

After rian went to bed Austin went to Bri and told her about what was happening. She agreed to help and they both started up a plan.

When the next day role around Austin was able to take rain to a place. Rian know the plan threw Austin eyes but what he didn't know was that when Bri brings Devin in the room Bri would have already lock the door behind them trapping the two in one room.

Devin- Oh um hey Rian I didn't think we would be in a lock room together hehehe

Rian- Devin I want to tell you something ok?

Devin- Ok what is it?

Rian- Well you see...... I been meaning to tell you that.......... No what why don't I show you

That is when rian took Devin into his arms and kiss him on the lips. Devin did kiss back but kissing soon turn into a 10 minutes making out session.

Devin- Rian

Rein- I am so sorry about what happen ok I was an idiot and I didn't mean to make you feel the way you did. I love you Devin and I always did the problem was that I was scared that I would-

Before Rian could even finish Devin pull rian for another kiss.

Devin- I don't care anymore because no matter what happens I will always have your back no matter what.

After that Bri and Austin let them out of the room where they soon would go to Devin bedroom. That is when Devin would take Rian and throw him onto the bed where he would started cuddling him before falling asleep.

Rian- Goodnight my little cuddle bear I will see you in the morning

Before falling to sleep holding Devin close to him making sure he would never leave/make Devin feel that pain ever again.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now