Love story between two demi gods (Xylo X Cal) Olympus Pt: 2

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The Moon Rise

Requested by Leo-nard-

Xylo Pov:

After that night Cal and I started dating until one day he just disappeared out of no where. I didn't see him at Bryan fight and he was pretty much missing the whole time but I didn't think he was dead because he can pretty much control time like come on.

After a while though when two years past I just hold my feeling back and help work on the camp. I would always see him in my dreams and I never lost hope as well through I got to say when 5 years did past I felt like he may never come back.

Cal Pov:

It been about two years I think since I was lock in the gate way of time. I never gave up hope of trying to free myself I just couldn't but the only problem I had was that time moves differently there. I didn't know why but I fear that more time have past in the real world then in here. I was pretty much almost at a breaking point when my future self help me out. He told me that a full moon is going to rise tonight and that tonight will be my time to finally get out of here.

No One Pov:

Nightfall have finally came. Xylo who normally goes out and look at the full moon was doing the same thing like he does every month but he felt like something different was going to happen tonight so he brought his picnic Blanket and started laying down on it. He was looking at the stars when he started to get a headache.

While that was happening with xylo, cal was able to move once again in the gate way of time. When he turn to his future self he saw him nod before pushing him threw a portal. That is when the full moon started to glow blue. Xylo saw this and started praying for cal safe return one day. He wanted thing to go back like they did between the two of them.

That is when the blue light from the full moon stop glowing and the light started sparkling and glowing down to xylo. When it hit the ground the light stop completely and there standing was cal with tears in his eyes look straight at xylo.

Cal Pov:

I was back home, I was finally back home and not only that I saw my lover right in front of me. He was looking at me with tears in his eyes. He started standing up from the picnic blanket that he was laying on but before he can step close to me I ran into his arms and started crying right in his shoulder.

Xylo- Cal is this really you?

Cal- Yes Yes Yes its me I'm back after so long I am finally back. God I miss you so much xylo it hurt so much

Xylo- What happen to you? Where did you go all this time for 5 years.

Cal- 5 YEARS!? I was gone for 5 years

Xylo- Yes you were but I gust that doesn't matter anymore because what I matters now is that I have you in my arms.

No One Pov:

After a while of hugging and crying xylo slowly lay down and then slowly put cal onto his chest, holding him tight making sure cal can't escape. They were looking at the stars for a little bit before cal fell asleep in xylo grabs.

Xylo- Goodnight my little time boy see you in the morning

With that xylo kiss him on the forehead before falling to sleep, holding the time boy close to him making sure he doesn't loose him like he did 5 years ago.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now