Love Story Between Heros (Alexander/Flex X Ana) My Hero

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Not The Only One

Requested by LogiBear24

It was a long day for Alexander. He didn't want to go to the club today or at least not at the normal place they meet because he wanted to be alone.

No one really knows why Alexander is acting this way. He was always happy and joyful but for some reason he didn't show up to class which made coal worry.

Coal Mind-  Alexander never miss a day of school even if he was sick or not something must be wrong.

Ana Mind-  Where's Alexander?

When class ended coal went home to see if he can find Alexander but while getting there he saw Alexander sitting by a tree looking at it

Alexander Mind-  I gust today is the day hehehe

Coal-  Alexander what wrong?

Alexander - I don't want to talk about it and I want to be alone for maybe the rest of the day

Coal-  Wait what!? Where is the Alexander that I know?

Alexander- Well he isn't here because he trying to be alone before going to his family grave who died in one of the horrific ways. After all today was the day that they die

Coal-  Alexander I didn't-

Alexander- Know I know it just that I want to be alone for the rest of the day that all

Coal-  Ok I understand

That is when coal walk off to the dorms. When nightfall hit Alexander went to the graveyard to say hello to his family again. While being there he heard someone following him.

Alexander- Ana is that you?

Ana-  oh umm yes sorry for following you

Alexander-  No its ok its ok so your worry about me too huh?

Ana-  *nods*

Alexander-  Well today is the anniversary of my family death. They all died on the same day but all different times

Ana-  Oh my hose I am so sorry to hear that

Alexander- No its fine

That is when Ana saw a tear dropping down Alexander face. Ana couldn't help but run up to Alexander and hug him which he took.

After a while Alexander let go and was walking to the graveyard when Ana said

Ana-  Wait why don't I come with you I have to go to my little brother grave anyways

Alexander- Oh no I am so sorry to hear that

Ana-  Oh no no its ok

*At the graveyard*

When they got there alexander went to his area od the graveyard and started his prayer to his family. When ana was done putting flowers on her little brother grave she turn to see alexander starting to cry.

Ana- Oh wait no no don't cry

Alexander- oh no these are tears of joy because even though I lost them I do know there in a better place

Ana- Ya I can agree to that

After a while of silence ana and Alexander started walking back to the school when ana took Alexander out for a drink of coffee or something.

When they got there they got some waters and started talking about there day other than the graveyard and the deaths of family members.

After that they started to head back home threw the shadows but before they went back ana took Alexander to a spot where she would use to calm down when she needs to.

Alexander- Wow this place is amazing

Ana- I know that why I love coming here

Alexander- Look this day was support to be one of the sades days for me but thanks to you I feel happy

Ana- Really Well I am glad

Before ana knew it alexander took her hand making ana blush and kiss here on the cheek before saying

Alexander- We better get going but it was fun hanging out with you. I would love to hang out with you again like this

Ana- I would love that and alexander

Alexander- Ya?

Ana- Thank you for everything

Alexander- The same to you

And just like that the two went back home dreaming the rest of the night about what had happen.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now