Love Story Between Heros (Blake X Jack) Heros

274 4 1

Lost Control

Required by hydrofury

Blake Pov:

Jack and I were on a mission saving people from a fire when a villain appear. Jack told me that he got the villain and I should go and save the rest of the people who were trap in the building which I sadly agree with.

What I didn't know was that the villain was using his powers to overload jack and slowly making him loose control of his powers.

When I finally got out of the building with the last survivor I heard a sound boom go off which crash the building around the whole place and almost made me deaf.

I look up to see jack but his mask was off and it seem like he is in pain.

Blake- Jack Jack listen to me

But it was no use his headphones were off to making him deaf

Blake Mind- What am I suppose to do if I do nothing he couldn't hurt or even kill thousands of lives.

That is when I spotted the villain who was laughing at him.

Villain- To bad my time is up but hey it was fun playing with you for a while.

And with that the villain teleported away leaving an angry jack ready to let out another sound wave from his mouth.

I was able to get to him before he distory more of the city. I slowly place his headphone back before focing him to look at me.

Blake- Jack listen to me your out of control and need to calm down before you cause any more damage.

Jack look at me and was about to say something when I kiss him forcing him to shut up.

I could tell he was in shock at first but after a while he kiss back and let go of me. He then put a hand over his mouth in realization that his mask is gone.

Blake- Lets find you mask jack and head home for the day ok? Maybe even go out on a date?

Jack- *nods*

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