Love story between slayers ( Brandon X Kit) Fairytail

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We will be always be here

Requested by ItsImAWeirdo

After Tapioca death, kit fell into a depression. She hated Ritchie but at the same time understand what he was going threw. She knew that she won't forgive Ritchie in a very long time but at least she has the other member of the guild.

Through when they found Brandon, he saw the look in kits eyes. They were like crying for someone to help her before she does something stupid. She look really pale and seem to haven't eaten properly in months.

Brandon Mind- What happen to you kit?

*Few days later*

Brandon was getting use to his new guild island, looking around and just trying to get to know the place a little better when he heard crying. He followed the sound which lead him to kits house.

Brandon Mind- Why do I hear crying from Kits house? Is she crying!? No no no no no it can't be her. She was always so happy and love to give a helping hand out to people I wonder what happen while I was gone.

*Knock*  *Knock*  *Knock*

Kit- Go away

Brandon- ....

Kit- I know its you Ritchie. Why don't you just leave me alone. You done enough to me

Brandon- Kit?

Kit Mind- Wait that not Ritchie that's-

Brandon- Kit we need to have a talk ok.can you pls open the door?

Kit- .....

Brandon- I promise my brother isn't here if that what your thinking eight now

*Unlocks door*

Kit- Its open now

When Brandon came inside he couldn't help but be more amazed at what he sees but soon he dreams were shatter when he turn to kit.

Brandon- Kit?

Kit- Mmm?

Brandon- Kit can you pls turn around

Kit- No

Brandon- Kit pls I'm worry about you

Kit- So is everyone else but who cares

Brandon- Kit pls for me?

Kit- *Sigh*

When kit finally tune around Brandon was shock on what he sees. Kit was very pale, so pale in fact her skin is very white. She had hug bags under her eyes making it look like she have two black eyes. She was very skinny and it seems like she could past out due to any second.

Brandon- kit what happen to you?

Kit- I did this to myself

Brandon- Why?

Kit- Because I lost everything.It feels like my heart is breaking apart and I just can't take it anymore. I just want the pain to stop

That is when Brandon took kit into his arms and started hugging her. She couldn't hold her tears anymore so she let it all out on Brandon shorter.

Brandon- Kit your not alone. You have us and no matter what happens I-We will always have your back

After a while kit did let go of Brandon and looking at him in his eye's before-

Kit- Thanks Brandon I needed that

Brandon- No problem I will always have your back so will the rest of the guild

That is when kit kiss Brandon. It took a second in Brandon head about what happening before he kiss back. That day was probably one of the most heartache/best day kit and Brandon had.

That night the two stay together in kits house. Kit was cuddling Brandon chest while Brandon was trying his best to make her feel welcome.

Story's From The Origins Group (One Shot) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now