41. New News

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Note: COVID-19 does not exist in my Charmed Universe. 🙂

Season 3

August 22, 2020

Piper's POV

Piper: Thank you, everyone, for coming to my opening night. It has been a real success so far, and I'm proud that I've been able to grow my business enough to reach this mementos occasion.

The crowd erupted in cheers. I looked at Leo beside me from our spot on the small stage at the front of my restaurant. He smiled at me and put an arm around my waist. I smiled back before turning my attention back toward the crowd.

Piper: So, without further ado ... Drumroll please.

The crowd laughed as they drummed their hands on their tables or knees. I smiled and rose my champagne glass.

Piper: Welcome to "Halliwell's!"

The crowd cheered and clapped. I saw my family at the table in front, smiling and clapping along. Leo smiled at me one more time before leaving the stage to join our family.

Piper: Enjoy the rest of your night. Remember, "Halliwell's" is open six days a week, from 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Please visit again soon!

I bowed before hopping off the stage and making my way to my family. A few customers shook my hand on my way there, congratulating me and expressing their love for the food and service. Once I made it to my family's table, Phoebe stood up and rose her glass. I smiled at her and shook my head, covering my eyes in embarrassment.

Piper: Phoe-

Phoebe: Shush. Tonight is Piper's night, and I just want to express my biggest congratulations to you, Piper. You've worked so hard for your dream, and it inspires all of us.

My family nodded in agreement.

Piper: Thank you, I-

Phoebe: So!

I smiled and closed my mouth, keeping my attention on Phoebe.

Phoebe: Here's to Piper! May her restaurant thrive forevermore.

Coop: Amen!

Everyone laughed as they rose their glasses in a toast. I smiled as I sat down beside Leo at the head of the table.

Piper: Thank you. I really appreciate you guys being here.

Wyatt: Like we would miss it.

I shrugged and looked at Wyatt as he put his glass back on the table.

Piper: Yeah, but it's your last Saturday night before school starts. I just thought you'd want to enjoy it with your friends. All of you.

I looked at the kids around the table. Chris waved off my statement.

Chris: It's not like we have many friends. Besides, you're more important than a friend gathering.

Melinda: Agreed.

I smiled and nodded.

Piper: Well, I couldn't be happier that you guys came. Here's to the Halliwell's. The family, not the restaurant.

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