8. Detectives

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Chris's POV

Wyatt, Melinda, and I orbed into a room upstairs. It looked like an office of some sort. There was a desk in front of a huge window, with multiple bookcases and photos lining the walls. There were trophies lined up in a hutch and beautiful red curtains draping the window behind the desk. The three of us looked around the room.

Wyatt: these people have too much money.

Melinda: forget that. We're supposed to be looking around for any signs of demonic activity.

I looked out the big window which was pointed towards the backyard.

Chris: well, they were right. There's no tree uprooted out there. It's still standing in the place it was before it fell.

Wyatt and Melinda looked out the window.

Wyatt: there is definitely something up with this house.

Chris: we should look in that library again.

Wyatt: yeah. That supernatural book you found might have some information.

We orbed out of the office and into the library. It was dark in the room, just like before. Wyatt used an orb sphere to slightly light up the room. Melinda copied his actions, making the room a little brighter. I went to the book shelf and pointed to the books.

Chris: there were these two books, "Witches, Warlocks, and Supernatural Phenomenon" and "Supernatural Alchemy."

Wyatt: wait! Didn't Dad say something about a Life Essence and alchemy?

Chris: yeah. Alchemists are the only ones who can create Life Essences. What we need to do is find an Essence Bearer.

Melinda: what does it look like?

I shrugged then looked at the "Supernatural Alchemy" book. I took it off the book shelf.

Chris: maybe this book will tell us.

I opened the book and flipped through some pages.

Wyatt: anything?

I kept looking down at the book and flipping the pages.

Chris: I'll tell you when I find it. ... Here!

There was a picture of a vile with the words "Essence Bearer" written on top of the page.

Wyatt: okay, Melinda, you go find that Essence Bearer. It has to be in the house somewhere. Chris, you keep reading that book. It might give us some more information. See if you can find out who it belongs to.

Chris: okay. What are you going to do?

Wyatt: I'm going to look around the backyard. There is something supernatural happening out there.

Chris: snap to it, Magnum PI.

Wyatt gave me a look.

Wyatt: who?

I shrugged my shoulders.

Chris: I don't know. I just hear mom saying that a lot. I think he's some investigator dude.

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