53. Echoes of the Past, Whispers of the Future

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Melinda's POV

I rounded the side of the house, looking carefully to make sure Anna, Laura, and Clara were no where in sight. I gestured backed to Sam, telling him to follow me as I headed toward the cart we rode in last night.

"It has to be in the back of the cart, right?" I asked Sam as we approached the cart. "That's where I put it after we threw your dead weight body onto it."

"Excuse me," Sam said in mock annoyance, "I know you did not just call me dead weight."

"You were dead weight," I smiled as I leaned over the side, peering into the wooden cart. My eyes widened.

"It's empty!"

"Uh huh," Sam nodded, his eyes scanning the empty cart. "So...?"

"So," I rolled my eyes, "They must have taken the supplies and the history book into the house." I groaned and looked up at the sky.

"Well, then, let's go get it," Sam stepped away from the cart, waiting for me to follow.

"We can't just walk in there and ask to go through their supplies," I shook my head and turned around to face Sam. "And worse... we can't just walk in there and say, 'hey, where's my history book?'"

"Okay, you may have a point, but what else are we going to do? That book could put your family line in great danger..." Sam stared at me and shook his head, "Scratch that. That book could erase your family line."

"You don't think I know that?" I asked, raising my voice. "I'm stressing out enough as it is; I don't need you pointing out very little detail."

Sam narrowed his eyes and shook his head before turning on his heel and walking toward the house.

"Where are you going?" I sighed as I watched him walk away.

"To find your stupid history book," he called back, not bothering to stop and face me. "Someone has to." I huffed and took off after him.

"Just... wait. I'm coming too."

"Oh, now you want to find it?" Sam said with a sarcastic tone as soon as I reached him.

"Of course I do, Sam. Don't make me the bad guy here," I snapped. Sam stopped walking and faced me.

"Who's making who the bad guy?" Sam scoffed. "Because I know it isn't me."

"Please," I threw my hands up, then let them fall to my side. "It's because of you we're stuck here. It's because of you that stupid history book is missing. It's because of you-"

"Oh, you are so full of yourself," Sam snapped back. "You're the one that brought the book to the dance. You were so caught up in your research that you couldn't take two seconds to enjoy something!"

"And what's wrong with that? Huh?" I said, getting closer to him. "At least I care about my school work! I haven't once seen you open a textbook."

"Full. Of. Your. Self," Sam stated, punctuating each word. "I'm at the top of my class. I'm on the debate team and the honor society. I'm on the baseball team and next week - if we ever get out of this - I'm volunteering at the animal shelter," Sam smirked and crossed his arms as my jaw dropped.

"Is that enough for you? Because, while I'm not as academically driven as you are, I'm not a screw up either. And the fact that you thought that, well... that's something else entirely," he expressed sullenly before turning around and walking toward the house, leaving me standing in the driveway with an open mouth.

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