35. Charmed...

45 3 0

December 24, 2019

Chris's POV

Chris: Oh! And get some chips too, will ya?

Wyatt nodded as he left our bedroom, closing the door behind him. I looked back down at my phone and kept scrolling through my Instagram feed. I smiled and shook my head at Sam's recent photo of him wearing a Santa hat and his cat wearing an elf hat. I liked it and left him a comment. I continued scrolling, seeing people's family and Christmas posts. My smile slowly disappeared as I reached the bottom. Their lives are so normal, so peaceful.

Jason: Hey!

I jumped and my phone flew out of my hands, landing on the floor. I looked over at Jason standing by Wyatt's bed. I sighed and reached down to grab my phone before looking back at him.

Chris: Can't you just walk in here like a normal person?

Jason smiled before shaking his head.

Jason: Like you've never done it before.

I looked away from him. I had but he doesn't need to know it.

Chris: I see you're getting the portal hopping thing down.

Jason smiled and nodded.

Jason: And I'm working on controlling my fire starting.

Jason began focusing before I stopped him.

Chris: Don't! I don't need anything in my room starting on fire.

Jason: Fine.

He sat down on Wyatt's bed.

Jason: Whatcha doing?

I shrugged.

Chris: Looking through Instagram and becoming depressed.

Jason: Why?

Chris: Everyone has such normal lives. I want that sometimes, you know. I mean, I can't even tell my best friend I'm a witch.

Jason nodded.

Jason: Well, I don't know exactly what you're going through. I just found out I have powers a week ago and, so far, I'm loving it.

I nodded.

Jason: Why can't you tell Sam?

Chris: It's too dangerous for him. Humans are at a high risk when knowing our secret. Demons tend to take out those closest to us so ... we just keep it a secret from everyone.

Jason: You told me.

Chris: That was a different situation. First of all, you were being attacked by a demon and we had to save you. And second, you're supernatural yourself. You can fight back, Sam can't, at least not against a fireball.

Jason nodded.

Chris: And you caught us, which was an accident.

Jason smiled.

Jason: Well, it was an accident on my part too.

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