31. Plot Twists

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Wyatt's POV

Piper: Melinda, can you pass the salt, please?

Melinda handed Mom the salt from a couple of seats away. Mom thanked her before we went back to our silent eating. Every once in a while, Mom would glance at the clock then look back down at her food. When Mom wasn't looking, Melinda would do the same thing. We all knew what Mom was doing tonight; however, our plan remained a secret.

Leo: Any plans for tonight, guys?

We all shook our heads, including Prudence who came over for supper before we went to the park.

Leo: Well, I was thinking, while Mom and your aunts are out following their lead, I thought we could watch a movie as a family. How does that sound?

We shrugged as Dad looked at Prudence.

Leo: Of course you're welcome to join us, Prudence.

Prudence: Thanks, Uncle Leo, but I think we're going to hang out upstairs tonight.

Dad raised an eyebrow as he eyed us wearily, but he nodded soon after.

Leo: Alright then. I'll just watch it by myself. You'll miss quite a party.

Mom chuckled as she rose from her chair and grabbed a couple of empty plates.

Chris: The roast was great, Mom, thanks.

Wyatt: I'm quite fond of the pie.

I held up my fork with a small piece of pie on it to demonstrate. Mom chuckled as she continued into the kitchen. Dad also grabbed a few plates before following after Mom. Prudence wasted no time in mentioning our plans.

Prudence: When are we leaving?

I shrugged and took a bite of the chocolate pie on my plate. Chris and Melinda appeared to be in a silent battle over who should answer. Prudence huffed.

Prudence: Do I have to think of everything?

I swallowed before speaking.

Wyatt: Well, it was your idea. Your's and Melinda's idea. I think it should be up to you.

Melinda sighed before answering.

Melinda: Fine. Uh, I say we wait 15 minutes after Mom leaves to give her a chance to pick up Phoebe and Paige. Then we'll orb to the park.

Prudence: We have to make sure Uncle Leo doesn't come into the room.

Chris nodded as he grabbed his glass of milk.

Chris: Don't worry. When he watches his favorite movies, he's tuned into them like a hawk.

I nodded in agreement.

Prudence: So, is 6:30 okay?

Melinda looked at the clock, then nodded. Mom and Dad came out of the kitchen and headed toward the front door. We saw Mom grab a heavy jacket, give Dad a quick kiss, and wave at us before leaving. Dad smiled and went into the living room, calling out to us.

Leo: If you change your mind, you know where to find me.

We nodded before quickly getting up and heading upstairs. We opted to wait in Chris's and my room.

Melinda: Now, we wait.

Melinda pulled the Book of Shadows out from under my bed.

Wyatt: Why is that down here?

Melinda shrugged as she opened the Book.

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