46. Take A Breath

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August 28, 2020

Phoebe's POV

I heard a knock at my door, causing me to look up from my computer.

Phoebe: It's open.

The door opened and Elise slowly appeared. I smiled at her.

Phoebe: Where have you been all week? I've been trying to get a hold of you. I think that-

I stopped to take in her sullen expression. She took a seat in the chair in front of my desk. I stared a her for a few seconds, trying to get a read on her emotions.

Phoebe: Are you okay?

Elise shook her head. I could feel tension and anxiety radiating off of her.

Elise: Phoebe, we've got some bad news.

My eyes widened.

Phoebe: Elise, if this is about my column and the talk show then-

Elise: No, it's not that.

I took off my glasses and laid them on my desk in front of me. I gave Elise a serious look.

Phoebe: O- okay. Then what is it?

Elise sat up straighter in the chair and stared at me.

Elise: Do you remember that meeting I had on Monday?

I nodded slowly.

Phoebe: You mean the meeting that so conveniently stopped our important conversation?

Elise did not look amused so I shook my head.

Phoebe: Never mind. Yes, I remember the meeting. Proceed.

Elise: Well, it was with the CEO about this month's profits and-

Phoebe: So how'd we do?

I grabbed my coffee cup from the side of my desk and brought it to my lips to drink.

Elise: Phoebe, I don't think you want to hear this.

I put the coffee cup down and looked at Elise's serious expression.

Phoebe: What happened?

Elise: While our profits are still well above average, another company has since surpassed us.

Phoebe: Another company?

Elise nodded and relaxed against the chair.

Elise: A magazine company in the Financial District.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped before I composed myself.

Phoebe: Well, that explains it, I guess.

Elise: But, there's still hope to once again be on top.

I nodded.

Phoebe: The talk show.

Elise snapped her fingers and nodded.

Elise: The talk show.

I took a breath and released it before nodding.

Phoebe: Alright. When do we get started?

Elise: Not so fast. The reason the magazine company is out performing us is because of their new Internet show.

I rolled my eyes.

Phoebe: Seriously?

Elise nodded and sat up straighter.

Elise: Yes, but it's got nothing on "Ask Phoebe," alright. We just need to get started as soon as possible.

Phoebe: When?

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