45. Kitchen Calamity

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Melinda's POV

Melinda: I can't believe you two.

I scoffed as I walked into the kitchen, followed by Jaxon and Prudence.

Melinda: Family history is one of the most important things you'll ever learn.

Prudence chuckled as she took a seat at the island. Jaxon opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle before joining her at the island.

Prudence: Please, Melinda. Family history isn't all that important. I don't wake up everyday thinking, "man, I wonder what good ol' great grandmother Melinda Warren was doing at this time of the day in 1660."

Prudence looked me straight in the eyes. I sighed and crossed my arms.

Melinda: Well, if you were to study family history, you'd know that Melinda Warren was born in 1670, so in 1660, she wouldn't be doing anything.

I smirked as Prudence waved me off.

Jaxon: You know a lot about your history, Melinda. I guarantee my dad knows nothing about the Reed history. This project is going to be tough.

I smiled slightly at Jaxon as my brothers and their friends came into the kitchen.

Chris: Jason, calm down. Just don't engage with him.

Jason chuckled as he took a seat at the kitchen table, followed by Sam. Chris jumped up onto the island to have a seat, and Wyatt leaned against the counter after grabbing an apple from the bowl. I rolled my eyes and spoke before giving Jason a chance to answer.

Melinda: You guys do realize we were having a conversation here.

Chris looked at me then at Jaxon and Prudence. He shrugged.

Chris: It's not that big of deal. Just continue your conversation.

I rolled my eyes.

Melinda: You talked enough in the van. Go in the living room.

Chris shook his head before looking at Jason again. I threw my hands up in the air and let them fall to my side.

Chris: Do the partner work then ignore him.

Jason shook his head.

Jason: How can I do partner work and ignore him?

Chris smiled and shrugged. My interest peaked at the conversation.

Melinda: Wait, what happened?

Chris looked at me and chuckled.

Chris: Obviously, you didn't pay attention in the van.

I mimicked his words, causing Chris to smile before answering.

Chris: Jason, here, got in an argument with the new kid-

Sam: Bully.

Chris: Sure, bully, so now him and this Nathan have to be partners on Friday's field trip.

Sam and Chris laughed as Jason gave them a glare.

Wyatt: Just be civil. There's nothing wrong with giving the new kid a chance.

Chris: Did you not hear the "bully" part?

Wyatt: But it seems that Jason bullied him too.

Jason scoffed.

Jason: Please. I called him "teacher's pet." That's nothing.

Wyatt shrugged.

Wyatt: Seems like bullying to me. I wouldn't want to be called "teacher's pet."

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