3. After School Stories

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Paige's POV

Today was a busy day. After I dropped the girls off at school, I drove to meet with one of my charges who doesn't know she's witch. I know, it's confusing. I'm supposed to help ease her into the news slowly. I'm getting very close to being able to tell her the news without having her think I'm crazy. After her, I orbed to London to talk to an up and coming whitelighter. He is a little scared about his future and needed advice from someone. I love that being a whitelighter allows me to speak in many languages and accents. It makes fitting in so much easier. Now I'm back home and making supper for my kids and Henry. Henry is bringing the kids home since he got off work earlier than usual. I heard the front door open and close, and soon my three kids run into the kitchen, followed by Henry.

Paige: how was your last day of school?

Tam: amazing. Our teacher let everyone be free almost all day. Kat and I played on the playground for most of the time.

Paige: sounds like fun. Kat, how was your day?

Kat: great. Besides playing on the playground, we got to watch movies and have popcorn.

Paige: what movie did you watch?

Tam and Kat: Moana!

I laughed. Tam and Kat loved that movie.

Paige: Henry, what about you?

I looked at my son.

Henry Jr.: it was good. I'm just sad that I'm not going to see my friends for a few months.

Paige: you can always invite them over here to play. Or you can go to their house.

Henry Jr. smiled.

Henry Jr.: that sounds great!

I smiled at him and then remembered something.

Paige: you girls didn't use magic, right?

Tam: of course not.

Kat: you told us never to use magic in public, and school is public.

Paige: good job.

My kids ran out of the kitchen. I turned to Henry.

Paige: they definitely use magic at school.

Henry: they said they didn't.

Paige: yes but they are kids with powers. That is not something every child has. I know that if I knew I had powers at their age, I would use them all the time.

Henry: maybe, but they grew up knowing they're not supposed to use them.

Paige: I guess.

Henry: stop worrying now. It's summer. There is now time to think a little less about if the kids are using magic in public.

I smiled and he gave me a kiss on the cheek before picking up the lettuce to make the salads.

Phoebe's POV

I can't believe Elise wants me to have my book done by next week. That's impossible. I have seven days to write 200 pages. It took me almost a year to write the last book with 300 pages. This one isn't much different, besides the time frame. I got home and sat on the couch in the living room. Coop came out of the kitchen wearing an apron. I smiled at him.

Phoebe: what's cooking?

Coop: lasagna.

He leaned down and gave me a kiss.

Coop: bad day?

Phoebe: how'd you know.

Coop gave me a look.

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