1. Still Charmed

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Season 1

June 4, 2019

Piper's POV

Life has been crazy these last ten years. My children have grown up so fast; I can't wrap my mind around it all. Wyatt is now 16. He will be taking his driving test soon, scary. Chris, being 14, is going to enter high school next year. That's scary as well. Then my little girl, Melinda, she's 12. She is a handful sometimes, and can be very persuading. Wyatt and Chris say I give into her to much because she's the only girl. I don't buy it. My restaurant, P3 (named after my club, which I have decided to shut down because of my loyalty to my restaurant dream) is doing very well. I'm very happy with its success. Leo has taken on the job as professor at Magic School. Something he loves doing and has decided to dedicate his life to. Today is the last day of school for my kids. They are very excited. I'm in the kitchen making Melinda's lunch. Wyatt and Chris say they're "too cool" for homemade lunches. Whatever that means. Melinda came into the kitchen.

Piper: hi sweetie. Ready for your last day of school?

Melinda: yes! Mrs. Steinbeck has been a nightmare all year. I can't wait to enter high school.

Melinda is finishing up sixth grade and is about to enter seventh. High school is still a couple of years away for her.

Piper: don't be in such a rush to grow up.

Melinda: it's not fair. Chris and Wyatt get to do all the cool stuff. I want to be a teenager.

Piper: you'll be a teenager next May.

Melinda: that's too long.

I smiled softly at her and gave her a kiss on the head. I heard the school bus's horn honk.

Piper: better get going. Don't want to be late for your last day of school.

Melinda ran out of the kitchen after grabbing her lunch. I followed her and yelled upstairs.

Piper: Wyatt! Chris! The bus is here!

They both orbed in front of me as Melinda ran out the front door.

Piper: couldn't you have just used the stairs?

Wyatt: why would we do that when we can orb?

Piper: I want to make your childhood as magic free as possible, and you're ruining it.

Chris: lighten up mom. It's all good fun.

They have officially reached their teenage years. Full of mood swings and attitudes.

Piper: just, please tell me you don't do that at school?

Wyatt and Chris stayed silent and looked at each other.

Piper: guys, come on. No magic in public.

Wyatt: I only orb when I'm late to class.

Chris: yeah, and no one sees us.

Piper: you don't know that. One day you might slip up. Please don't do that again.

They looked at me as if I was crazy.

Piper: promise?

They nodded their heads.

Wyatt and Chris: promise.

Piper: good, now go.

I patted their backs as they turned to leave. They left the house. Leo came down the stairs.

Leo: the boys giving you trouble again?

Piper: yep. I wonder what Melinda will be like as a teenager?

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