44. Guiding Hand

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Chris's POV

Chris: A message? What do you mean a message?

Sam stared at me before rolling his eyes.

Sam: It's pretty self explanatory, don't you think?

I looked at Wyatt, looking for an answer. He shrugged and turned back to Sam.

Sam: You guys are witches, right?

I scoffed before reluctantly nodding my head.

Sam: Okay, look, Wyatt's dream didn't give him any feeling of seeing or being in the future.

Wyatt nodded.

Wyatt: Yes, but I don't usually get premonitions, so the feeling may not be there.

Jason shook his head.

Jason: When my dad has one of those premonitions, he always feels ... connected, like he is in the premonition. I don't think not getting regular premonitions wouldn't mean you would miss out on that feeling. Make sense?

Sam nodded and gestured to Jason.

Sam: Exactly, thank you.

I raised an eyebrow at Sam.

Chris: How do you know this stuff?

Sam countered back.

Sam: How do you not?

Chris: Forget it. The point is, we shouldn't rule out a telling of the future when it deals with something like me having a violent seizure.

I stared at him, completely serious.

Sam: Chris, believe me, it's not a premonition. It was a message.

Wyatt leaned in closer to Sam, seemly more interested than earlier.

Wyatt: From who?

Sam scoffed.

Sam: I don't know, Wyatt. Who usually sends you guys messages?

Wyatt thought for a second before answering.

Wyatt: The Elders? Why would the Elders send me that?

Jason: Unless it wasn't from them.

Wyatt looked around the cafeteria before quickly snapping his head to look at me. His eyes widened as he caught my eyes.

Wyatt: The ghost.

My jaw dropped open.

Chris: Why- why would a ghost send that message? Oh no, you don't think she's planning on possessing me, do you!?

My voice got increasingly louder as I got more and more worried.

Sam: Chris, lower your voice.

Sam smiled and waved slightly to the students at the table beside us who turned to look at me. Wyatt shook his head at the students.

Wyatt: Bad dream.

The students looked at me carefully before turning back to their meal. I smiled slightly at Wyatt, who sighed.

Wyatt: No, I don't think she wants to possess you. The better question would be, why did I get the dream and not you? You are the one that contacted her, and she seemed to have taken a liking to you. Why me all of a sudden?

Chris: Maybe she found your blonde locks and undeniable charisma charming, and she just couldn't resist.

Sam chuckled as Wyatt stared at me, unamused. I laughed nervously.

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