20. Revealing

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Paige's POV

Henry: Your charge? Are you sure?

Paige: Yes I'm sure. That's why Shelby looks so familiar. She looks almost identical to Sparkle, or I guess, Penelope.

Henry: Does Phoebe know?

Paige: That Shelby looked familiar to me? Yeah. That she looks like Sparkle? No.

I heard some mumbling through the phone.

Henry: I have to go. Good luck with your case. Love you.

I chuckled.

Paige: Love you too.

I ended the call and put the phone back in my purse.

Melinda's POV

Mrs. Davis looked at the clock before turning her attention back to the students. The bell rang before she spoke.

Mrs. Davis: Welcome to 7th Grade English, students.

I rolled my eyes. Why are teachers always so peppy on the first day?

Mrs. Davis: I hope you all had a great summer. Does anyone want to share anything exciting that happened.

I turned to my right to look at Prudence. She shrugged. Our summer was anything but exciting.

Mrs. Davis: Melinda Halliwell? How about you?

I hate when teachers do that. I sighed.

Melinda: Nothing too exciting.

Mrs. Davis frowned.

Mrs. Davis: Nothing? No vacations or pool parties?

I shook my head. She turned her attention to Prudence.

Mrs. Davis: How about the other Ms. Halliwell?

Prudence shook her head as some students laughed.

Prudence: The Halliwell's aren't known for their exciting summers.

Mrs. Davis nodded just as another student came in quickly through the classroom door. Mrs. Davis turned to look at him.

Mrs. Davis: Hello?

Jaxon: My name's Jaxon. Uh, I'm new here and kind of got lost.

Mrs. Davis nodded as she looked at her seating schedule before looking right at me. Lovely.

Mrs. Davis: There's an open desk behind Ms. Melinda Halliwell.

She pointed to me as Jaxon followed her finger. He made his way across the room and took a seat behind me. I saw Prudence pass me a piece of paper with a note on it.

"He's cute"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at her, mouthing "no." She frowned. Mrs. Davis continued on talking about summer and her love for beaches. After what felt like an eternity, the bell rang. Prudence and I hurried out into the hall.

Prudence: What do you mean, "no?"

I sighed.

Melinda: Uh, we're 12.

Prudence: So?

Melinda: No.

Jaxon came out of the classroom and walked up to us.

Jaxon: Hi, so you're Melinda Halliwell?

Melinda: Yeah, and you're Jaxon ...

Jaxon: Reed. My family just moved here from New York.

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